Thank you so much for your reply^^ of course I've heard about anki and tae kim's guide and already downloaded those but it's not enough for me who wants something more practical. But I'm gonna take you up on your advice with watching anime and translating manga... I always thought that it was too early for me (and the thing with finding the kanji that are written is kinda hard) but I'm gonna try practise that. I have more time on the weekend, that's when I'm gonna read what you linked. Again I'm really grateful for your answer :) would you advice me to try the game I talked about? I know I said I'm gonna try anyway but you seem to have a lot of experience and I'm kinda reluctant because I'm still not familiar with vocab and grammar. Or would you say it's vetter to wait a bit?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me seriously!!! I really appreciate it :)
I don't know if practical is the right word actually. For example I can't memorise what I study in university as good as the things I did in an internship regarding the same topic. Or when I'm studying I write it down to memorise it better. Seeing pictures helps me a lot too. Said apps and books lack something in that regard. After reading a chapter for a few times on different days, I still have problems grasping what was going on. For example I read a chapter about conjugation and there was a practice page. I did that, then it moved on to a different topic naturally. While explaining that other topic, conjugation came up again. So I had to move to prior chapter and read it again and this continued on and on. In the end it wasn't fun anymore, because I was lost in a nesting of explanaitions. Then I downloaded an app focusing only on conjugation. The explanation was very simple and it focused mainly on practising everything regarding that. It didn't take long for me to grasp the main idea and what was explained in that chapter seemed ridiculously easy now.
Anyway I'm not expecting it to work from the get-go. I looked at japanese raws before but it was kinda fruitless since it ended with my lack of knowledge of kanjis (I didn't focus on translating, but on reading itself) and when I tried to draw kanjis in jisho (was a little familiar with it already) it didn't recognise what I was drawing (maybe because of the stroke order?) and that's where this trial ended. So I appreciate your tip with google translate, which I'm gonna try on the weekend.
Hmm I've read about JLPT and started learning kanji which are divided into JLPT levels. It's not a dominant goal of mine right now, but in the far future I'd like to try taking n5 at least^^ have you taken JLPT? I'm curious ;) thanks for the compliment, but I don't know if I'd survive TOEIC, there are still a lot of vocabs I have to look up (at least I didn't do too bad in school).
There would be no one to speak to. Do you think practising speaking by myself would be good or should I repeat what I heard from anime etc.?
I feel rude for not clicking on the links right now, but I'd like to do that when I can take my mind off of 'work'... I'm off on the weekend, so that's when I'm gonna plan out my line of action with the help of your text and links^^
Thanks for reading and thanks for your advice! Have a nice evening sensei! (I hope that didn't sound too corny, but I'm really happy^^)
Haha thanks again :)
Hmm yeah how far am I? I don´t know how exactly to answer to that... well I learned hiragana of course. I don´t know why, but I didn´t really bother with katakana... I read through the first part of Tae Kim´s guide and the first couple chapters of Genki just to get an idea of the language. After that I realized, that before getting too much into grammar, I should start learning some vocabs, mainly kanji (n5) [the thing is, with all the languages I´ve come in contact with so far, all the grammar that I know was useless if I didn´t know the words that I wanted to put together - the endless struggle of my whole life, even with my native language T_T]. I´m not done with n5 kanji but pretty far at least. Apart from that the very first things that were introduced (state of being, particles etc.) I know as well and I started with conjugation not too long ago. But I got tired of reading through these things without me putting it to use, that´s why I stated my first question.
I´ll look into RS, but it certainly is expensive for someone who´s still mooching of his parents xD I´m actually really glad that my parents agreed to give me Genki as a present^^ but I don´t want to burden them with more, since I couldn´t really show them results up until now, even though I´ve surely been learning (very inconsistently though).
Your proposal sounds very good and in regards to time I think I can manage (maybe not everyday but I´m determined to try at least). Is it ok to write you back in a month? I know I´ve burdened you the whole time with my questions, so you don´t have to feel obligated to watch over my progress.
Thanks for the links again, you have no idea how helpful you´ve been to me^^ damn, I wish I could give something back to you... if you have any idea, what a stranger can do for you, then don´t hesitate to ask.
Hmm I have those times as well^^ you´ll get back on track once time passes I´m sure! I wish I could give you more encouraging words, but from experience I know at least that what I wrote above aren´t just empty words. And I hope that you have people on ypur side, who can take a bit of that pressure off you (when I had my phases, i didn´t really think that my family and friends had much of an effect on me, but I think that I would have been even more depressed if they hadn´t been there).
I find it admirable how you´ve planned out everything so far. I´m still at the beginning, but what you´ve achieved til now really gives me confidence, that some day (maybe in 20 years xD) I might be able to aim as far as you^^ keep up the good work!
I had trouble to understand the second last sentence :( Do you mean that english is not your native language but you started to sound like it now?
Thank you a lot and have a nice evening^^
I kinda feel a little uncomfortable that you followed me, since it should be the other way around ... but I guess I´m just making a big deal out of it. I would have found you again anyway, since there is no way I´m gonna delete our conversation^^
Hahaha I knew this would come xD That´s the first thing I´m gonna concentrate on then, it shouldn´t take up too much time anyway (hopefully).
Thank you so much^^ I actually wanted to summarize our conversation on the weekend, but now you´ve taken this one off me, so I can concentrate on studying right away. I´m deeply indebted to you, thank you so much!!!
Wow I´ve never heard that happen before. I know that someone´s native language usually has a great influence on pronunciation in regards to other languages... but I think what happened to you just shows your seriousness and how much you´re immersed in your studies, which I personally think is amazing!
My native language is German, but I´m a so called "second generation immigrant", so I don´t look like it at all.
Thank you a lot again^^ I´m gonna report to you after a month or six weeks. Feel free to write me whenever you feel like it as well.
Have a good night!
Hi! I'm wondering if there is a way of learning japanese through practical exercises without having to rely on other people.
I improved my english a lot by playing video games in english but I think trying that for japanese games is still too early for me (I'm gonna try anyway as soon as my first game arrives but I don't think that I will get far without having a basic understanding first).
I think for now I have all I need to learn the basics (books, apps...) but it gets kinda boring doing those exercises without anybody else. There is no one around me who wants to learn as well and even if, our schedules don't match. And I'm too shy to try talking to strangers, so I have to rely on myself (downloaded italki and deleted it immediately because I couldn't bring myself to use it... I know it's stupid T_T). I love learning through music as well, but japanese music doesn't fit my taste at all (I know I'm fussy ughhh ╥﹏╥)
Do you guys have any advice for the over complicated me? I'd be very grateful for anything that might help^^