Ok but, direct you attention to the Killing Stalking comments that talk bad about seungbae. Those people is upsetting me because 1. They called Seungbae annoying, a idiot, a bitch, etc. and 2. They want seungbae to die. Seungbae isn’t the brightest cop, hell he’s a fucking ameteur, but I doubt if those people were in Seungbae’s shoes that they could be brave enough to try and save yoonbum from everything that was happening to him and try to put sangwoo in jail. It is yoonbum’s fault that he even got trapped in that situation because he’s the one who entered into Sangwoo’s house without permission and stalked him. He’s not worser than sangwoo, but he’s still pretty fucked up in the head. And its Seungbae’s own fault that he might be potentially killed in the next chapter because of his behaviour in the whole series as it progressed. He stuck his nose into something he shouldn’t have. He kept digging in too deep and now he’s in deep shit. He was almost caught once and I’m pretty sure that sangwoo suspected him im the restroom. Everyone knows sangwoo is a psychopath who needs serious help with what’s going on in his head. So I’m not focusing on him too much. To sum all of this up, all the characters have such bad highlights and good ones too. The reason that they are put in the story is to add drama and leave you to wonder what’s going to happen next? Who’s going to die next? What’ going to be the end? If Seungbae left Sangwoo and yoonbum, I’m pretty sure he would not be having to go through any of that. He’ basically treated like shit and all he’s trying to do is save bum from anymore abuse like what he suffered earlier in the chapter. Yoonbum has also been theough some pretty shitty stuff. He was molested and raped by his uncle. His life has just went downhill probably after his parents died. It depends on what time period it was when he was having a flash back about jieun. Hell he couldve been abused by his parents too, but that doesnt seem very likely. We know nothing about his parents and only about 2 relatives that were fucking cunts. It just makes me upset at how people are looking down on Seungbae’s importance of the story. I am just blabbing on, but I love all of these characters. Some of them anyway. I think all of them deserve a better life than what they have now, like for example sangwoo, he shouldve grew up in a stable home. I dont even know why im ranting, these people just ticked me off when they talked bad about Seungbae. Like, he deserves better. He has fucking guts to go into a killer’ house. Worst part abput it is that he got caught and he might be killed trying to save a victim who also needs mental help and a better life.
Ok but, direct you attention to the Killing Stalking comments that talk bad about seungbae. Those people is upsetting me because 1. They called Seungbae annoying, a idiot, a bitch, etc. and 2. They want seungbae to die.
Seungbae isn’t the brightest cop, hell he’s a fucking ameteur, but I doubt if those people were in Seungbae’s shoes that they could be brave enough to try and save yoonbum from everything that was happening to him and try to put sangwoo in jail.
It is yoonbum’s fault that he even got trapped in that situation because he’s the one who entered into Sangwoo’s house without permission and stalked him. He’s not worser than sangwoo, but he’s still pretty fucked up in the head.
And its Seungbae’s own fault that he might be potentially killed in the next chapter because of his behaviour in the whole series as it progressed. He stuck his nose into something he shouldn’t have. He kept digging in too deep and now he’s in deep shit. He was almost caught once and I’m pretty sure that sangwoo suspected him im the restroom.
Everyone knows sangwoo is a psychopath who needs serious help with what’s going on in his head. So I’m not focusing on him too much.
To sum all of this up, all the characters have such bad highlights and good ones too. The reason that they are put in the story is to add drama and leave you to wonder what’s going to happen next? Who’s going to die next? What’ going to be the end?
If Seungbae left Sangwoo and yoonbum, I’m pretty sure he would not be having to go through any of that. He’ basically treated like shit and all he’s trying to do is save bum from anymore abuse like what he suffered earlier in the chapter. Yoonbum has also been theough some pretty shitty stuff. He was molested and raped by his uncle. His life has just went downhill probably after his parents died. It depends on what time period it was when he was having a flash back about jieun. Hell he couldve been abused by his parents too, but that doesnt seem very likely. We know nothing about his parents and only about 2 relatives that were fucking cunts.
It just makes me upset at how people are looking down on Seungbae’s importance of the story. I am just blabbing on, but I love all of these characters. Some of them anyway. I think all of them deserve a better life than what they have now, like for example sangwoo, he shouldve grew up in a stable home.
I dont even know why im ranting, these people just ticked me off when they talked bad about Seungbae. Like, he deserves better. He has fucking guts to go into a killer’ house. Worst part abput it is that he got caught and he might be killed trying to save a victim who also needs mental help and a better life.
Talk about bad grammer man :/ ^^^^