Mangago, please stop letting anons post on here. Some of these anons are just trolls scrol...

Sushi August 13, 2017 3:16 am

Mangago, please stop letting anons post on here. Some of these anons are just trolls
scroll down and you will see what i'm talking about

    Tsundere Anon August 13, 2017 3:24 am

    I know some anons can be complete weirdos but there are some like myself (hello, there) who doesn't want to create accounts. So.. I don't think turning 'anon' option off is a good idea.

    Tsokolate August 13, 2017 3:24 am

    It's their freedom to post whatever they want. It's all from one person anyway just downvote it, and even so there's a handful of people with accounts that troll too. The rhetoric is lost to me. It really doesn't stop anything.
    There are many more anons that are helpful than hateful, one bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch. If people don't want to make an account that's their choice and it doesn't hamper their ability to use the site at all, this isn't a social media outlet.
    Plus it's all just bait anyway. People tend to make the situation worse by replying as though getting the last word in will solve the "conversation." IMO kids these days need to stop treating the internet like their soap box to stand on just because they want attention.
    All in all, I get that you're tired of trolls we all are, but I'd hate for this site to be overly exclusive and have elitism over signing up for an account.

    Don't mind me August 13, 2017 3:26 am
    I know some anons can be complete weirdos but there are some like myself (hello, there) who doesn't want to create accounts. So.. I don't think turning 'anon' option off is a good idea. @Tsundere Anon

    Same. It's not entirely necessary to create an account in the first place and 99% of the time I'm just reading. Creating a comment is once in a blue moon like this or if anything, answering a question on the front page.

    Anonymous - Passing By August 13, 2017 4:00 am

    I agree, just for comments or posts people should sign in, I wouldn't mind giving up a few seconds to do that. And for reading manga - no sign up required.

    Anonymous - Passing By August 13, 2017 4:09 am

    I have a suggestion, if mangago wants to catch this specific troll then they can look at their IP address, if the IP address is not static then they can also identify them through their location.

    peachy August 13, 2017 4:14 am

    am i the only one that actually doesn't mind the anons? i think they're pretty amusing. i can't get mad at someone who sounds like they're promoting lady gaga's art pop album, nor can i get mad at someone for trying to rile up people on mangago, of all places

    To all people August 13, 2017 4:30 am

    Just let them be. Don't ever reply to the post that will trigger the spiteful speech or heat debate. Keep your healthy mind, stay away for useless things like some trash words from the trolls.