Wow, this story was quite interesting though it didn't make sense most of the time.>.&l...

AmberFrostheart April 27, 2013 7:41 am

Wow, this story was quite interesting though it didn't make sense most of the time.>.< But the little monster that she keeps speaking of is despair.To sum it all up the girl who has white hair is still herself throughout the story but along the way of her childhood she had trouble.Her mind began to mentally change throughout her years as a teen and then it finally hit her that she didn't feel as if she were the real her that everyone sees.She continually kept stating to herself that the monster was something that she must be afraid of and it took hold of her making her a totally different person on the outside.In the end when the boy helps her and continues to love her no matter what the despair slow wanted to fix itself slowly.She became her true self and continues to rehabilitate everyday.
Hope you enjoy this story like i did and continue to think about everything you do from now on in a different way.^^
Thx for taking your time to read this.X3

    Anonymous June 17, 2015 7:02 pm

    Not quite. It's about a girl who developed Dissociative Identity Disorder as a child due to an extreme trauma. The alternate personality completely took over and lived her life, leaving the original personality to be undeveloped and remain as a child despite growing up physically. Her original personality was essentially in a 'coma' all those years.