am i

momokuni August 10, 2017 8:03 pm

the only one who doesn't mind tht they were interrupted from having a potential smexy scene?? like yes, it's nice to look at, but i appreciate the plot & tbh i'd rather have more story now, smut (if any) later

    Anonymous August 11, 2017 7:45 am

    I think people cared more about the fact that Taemin was about to reveal his identity than a sexy scene.

    I'm just here for the story August 13, 2017 12:44 am
    I think people cared more about the fact that Taemin was about to reveal his identity than a sexy scene. @Anonymous

    I appreciate that about this series, actually. I don't like yaoi, but I read shounen ai sometimes, especially if the plot is good like this one. I'm so used to all the sexual comments. I read A Guy Like Him or whatever it's called, and I'm really into the story and everyone else is just like, "OMG I WANT THEM TO FUCK" and I'm just like, "DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME!" lol but what I've found with this series is that the majority of readers seem to genuinely care about the story more than the relationship. i mean it's fine that they care about the relationship, but I like that it's secondary to them. You're still bound to see the occasional, "they should whip their dicks out" or something, but for the most part the comments are all constructive.