LuluKillua August 6, 2017 6:48 pm

Everything was alright... But chapter 5 and then even 6??? A test? EXCUSE ME, BITCH WHAT???? I'M SO HAPPY SHINOBU BROKE UP WITH HIM! 'I'm sorry'?? Are u insane??? Omg I hate Kou so MUCH. How could he hurt Shinobu so much. It's simple. If you love, you TRUST. IF YOU LOVE, YOU DON'T JUST THINK ABOUT YOURSELF!! I'm so angry. Shinobu was so hurt, cried and depressed!! This is not how you treat those you love! NEVER! FCK YOU KOU. JUST FCK U. Chapter 7: NOW YOU UNDERSTAND YOU LOVE SHINOBU?? Are u STUPID. You don't DESERVE HIM. Please no to be continued. Please no 'We're getting back together because ... actually no reason available right now. Come back later.'. Well it'll happen anyways. But I'm soooo proud of Shinobu! I love u. You deserve better!!!

    gay _penguins August 6, 2017 6:47 pm

    tbh it seems like the test was just an excuse to get into his pants again, im pretty sure there really was no 'test' and he just saying shit

    LuluKillua August 6, 2017 6:50 pm
    tbh it seems like the test was just an excuse to get into his pants again, im pretty sure there really was no 'test' and he just saying shit gay _penguins

    Yes that would be quite possible... he is an ******