
Bree August 6, 2017 6:19 am

Are you bloody kidding me? I have waited and waited and waited and waited AND waited and this is what I get? I severely need to punch something right now. You know, usually find myself commenting something like "this escalated quickly" but I never thought I would be saying "this is escalating too slowly" in my lifetime. Over 200 short chapters and nothing. This really IS shounen Ai. The slowest one I have ever read. So goddarn lucky I actually like this manhwa too much to abandon it.

    soopermoon August 7, 2017 3:52 am

    yeaaah bet you never had a ganglion cyst before nor have you ever drawn a series so... quit bitching about the short chapters and the slow updates.

    Bree August 8, 2017 6:27 pm
    yeaaah bet you never had a ganglion cyst before nor have you ever drawn a series so... quit bitching about the short chapters and the slow updates. soopermoon

    I can bitch about whatever I want. It's my opinion and you dont have the right to tell me what to do. By the way, you could've been this all the respectful people showed their dislike but tapping the button.