may I remind you that Yamato half raped the main character in the toilet. He then used the carrot and the stick by giving him a change of clothes after leaving hirokawa frantic to drown in his sorrow and sad conclusions. It is the same toxic cycle of yamato running and hiding from both their feelings and lashing out at hirokawa then comforting him. Yamato's "immaturity" is sick and violent bro

Rape... thats a stretch to call it a rape .As far as i understand it was always Yamato is trying hard really hard. so sorry if i do not agree here. Scrutinizing every action is not right. Would be nice if Hirokawa handled his issues alone for sometime. If i had a boyfriend like hirokawa i would have showed him the exit long time back

Yes, we should call it what it is, it is sexual assault. That could traumatise his victim. Added with bullying with intent to hurt. Yes, Yamato is sooooo sweet and nice. Instead of talking it out like an adult he thinks he is(he's not, he's immature as fuck), He chose to do a lot of things on his own instead of as a person in a relationship. He could have simply used him mouth to talk it out. But he didn't. And he tries to act mature but doesn't realise his actions just shows how immature he's being. A lot of things could be solved if he opened his mouth and used WORDS but he didn't.
Real mature of him. Yet Hirokawa is the problem? Please reread the manga. If Yamato was my bf, I'd dumped him long ago. I can't stand immature assholes like him who thinks they are acting mature when it is the exact opposite.
Yamato is a high school how much can you expect from him in name of love. He is trying his best but yes there will be moments where he may appear selfish but i feel it is ok. Hirokawa is acting too clingy mentally which is natural to scare anybody off. Him asking to leave the key is just requesting for space. He definitely does not intend to break up but he also not ready to handle the crying sobbing anymore. Hell yeah we all have been there sometime in our life where no matter how much we like someone we just need a fucking breathing space to think clearly.