drink everytime someone cries in this manga

Valkyrie August 4, 2017 1:46 pm

WARNING I'm gonna rant

effin hell, this was pure torture to read, I'm not sure how I survived till last chapter, or why did I even read it all, perhaps coz I dig this old schoolstyle manga art.
Everything about it pissed me off, the characters were giving me hemorrhoids for cringing inwardly so hard.
I think this manga broke every record for characters crying, now don't get me wrong, I'm pretty used to characters crying..especially in shoujo mangas, but this was whole new level for me. I started to hate them more and more with each tear they shed (sorry not sorry)
Should I even begin how gross it was to read maybe 10 times per chapter where everyone is insulting Yuri, absolutely everyone in this manga insulted her many times calling her too fat and ugly, and her admitting to it..then cried because she can't get prettier or skinner. I understand a joke but this was overdoing it way too much.
And the moral of the whole story? Even ugly and fat people like Yuri can be loved (hurray for all the ugly ass people in the world, rejoice! what a time to be alive)<note a sarcasm.
Considering the story and perhaps breaking some incest taboos, the story was incredibly shallow and same stuff kept repeating till the end.

I have to mention her stepsister (or whatever the f she was, I was lost in all that confusion whose child is which and at that point I stopped bothering to remember it), all her scenes in manga were so hilarious, the way she posed everytime she talked to someone or thought about something, it was ridiculous, if i didn't knew better I would say it parodies on general manga characters when they are in thoughts so they appear to be wiser and deeper. She was the queen of it. Brilliant

I see I'm a minority with this opinion, but I would advise anyone who dislikes first few chapters to skip this manga because it's waste of brain cells. Unless you're into family drama then go ahead, this has plenty of it.

    samuigackt March 27, 2018 8:13 am

    Did you realize that this manga was first published in 1992? That's more than 25 years ago. So yeah, perhaps people cared so much about looks back then (perhaps more in Japan), and they thought it was okay to insult and bully people like that – all victim blaming shit. Even right now, there are still people like that, you know. Perhaps the so-called moral of the story of this manga, I'm quoting you: "Even ugly and fat people like Yuri can be loved (hurray for all the ugly ass people in the world: rejoice! what a time to be alive)" was actually good for young readers 25 years ago. So yeah, what a time to be alive now, isn't it, that we live in a world that fights back to bullies. People from 25 years ago might not be that lucky, unfortunately.

    The first time I read this manga, it was around 13 years ago (I was a teenager at that time). I actually found it very touching and beautiful, a rare piece among cliché shoujo mangas at that time.

    So, good for you that you realized that you found the human interaction in this manga was wrong. But also, when enjoying an art, it is also good to understand the cultural background of when it was first published (and why this manga was so well received back then) :)

    Kaito.Hat November 22, 2018 5:04 am

    Thank you kind sir/ma'am. You've listed off all the things I hate to see in shoujo manga. I will make sure to avoid this one :)