I know the angst for chapter 7 and a lot of readers want them to stay together. You can cr...

AuliaKireina August 4, 2017 1:07 am

I know the angst for chapter 7 and a lot of readers want them to stay together. You can cry for them but why not thinking about their respective partner? It's not fair for them to be treated like burden. I prefer sad ending for Yuu and Asahi, it's more real that way. Even if they have to be together, I don't want them to hurt their partner that way.

    hiroi August 5, 2017 11:37 pm

    i mean, if we're really thinking about their respective partner, what about what they want? isn't it unfair for them too? they should be with with the people who love them, not people who stay with them for societal pressure. anyways aside from that, i think the mangaka left the ending vague so they could leave it up to our own interpretation

    Misfit-Kiwi October 13, 2017 4:07 am
    i mean, if we're really thinking about their respective partner, what about what they want? isn't it unfair for them too? they should be with with the people who love them, not people who stay with them for soc... hiroi

    I actually agree with you.

    If we really wanted to think about the other partners, then it is unfair for them either way. If Yuu and Asahi stayed with their partners then they can't give them the unconditional love they deserve as their love has a societal pressure as stated (And with their reunion, strong emotions have resurfaced ten fold from their actions). And if Yuu and Asahi left to be together, the women would be heart broken and problems can arise. But I guess it depends, have a half love or broken heart.

    LinaLauLiu October 13, 2017 5:18 am

    I totally agree with you. I happen to know a couple kinda similar to Yuu and Asahi. Both married and have their own life. After they married, they still seeing each other for about 2 years until they realized they need to "grow up". They broke up and one of them move to another city. They know it's their own fault, and even though our country is homophobic country, they can simply be "single" forever and continue their secret relationship. Yet they choose to married and have kids.
    For me, that kind of action is simply bullshit and coward. If you can leave the person you loved because pressure from society or other aspects, it means you're not really love that person.
    And as for wives, I've seen many couples that have "friendship love" or kinda "family love" even though they're married couples. Heck, even my parents don't have the "real love" vibe. LOL XD
    What is real love anyway?
    As long as they care for each other, protect each other, planning future together, respect each other, that'll make happy life for sure :)

    P.S I'm not trying to offend anyone here. We have our own opinions and I respect other people's opinions.

    Misfit-Kiwi October 13, 2017 5:42 am
    I totally agree with you. I happen to know a couple kinda similar to Yuu and Asahi. Both married and have their own life. After they married, they still seeing each other for about 2 years until they realized t... LinaLauLiu

    True, to run and hide is cowardly and can bring problems. I think Asahi and Yuu could have continued their lives and fallen in love with their partner. But I feel sorry for the women because the guys look like they could have an affair now that they have met up again. Not saying they shouldn't be able to fall in love and it's good that they could find each other again. But their actions can cause harm to their partners and it's kinda unfair for them.

    But hey, that might not happen at all, like the story just ended in a way where we readers can view it as we like. We can give it any ending we want. xD