Poor Kyon

alinmango August 3, 2017 9:18 pm

(referring to Ch. 38)

He really has nowhere else to go at this point... He can't stay at the mansion, Lucaon will be in danger. Moreover it seems he's getting rather cold treatment on account of his circumstances. But if he leaves, Edwin will definitely find him and punish him for not fulfilling his mission. Or worse.

I hope darling Kyon gets saved somehow. Everyone is prioritizing Lucaon's safety, which is understandable, but Kyon is really in need of some mercy right now!

    kana August 3, 2017 11:02 pm

    my poor baby he doesn't deserve this ╥﹏╥

    carey123 August 3, 2017 11:04 pm

    I'm so sorry, I voted with my phone and I hit downvote on accident!

    Green Emerald August 3, 2017 11:55 pm

    I feel bad for Kyon; & I sincerely hope that if Lucaon allows him to leave.. Ryan will take responsibility.

    Before I spoiler anything.. what chapter have you gotten to?

    alinmango August 4, 2017 1:42 am
    I feel bad for Kyon; & I sincerely hope that if Lucaon allows him to leave.. Ryan will take responsibility.Before I spoiler anything.. what chapter have you gotten to? Green Emerald

    I'm all caught up.

    Somehow I can't imagine Lucaon allowing him to leave. Or at least not without a fight, but I can never figure out what's going on in his head, especially when it comes to Kyon. He seems to be a very act-on-instinct type of fellow.

    And I hope Ryan does take some responsibility. At least offer him a place to stay until things cool down, but it doesn't seem like that's how things are going to play out, unfortunately.

    Green Emerald August 4, 2017 11:20 am

    Honestly, I feel like after the incident with Ryan.. Kyon has completely thrown the towel over his well-being. I don't think he cares anymore about what may happen to him when he leaves the mansion. he looks very depressed & I hate to say this.. suicidal even.. not that he would take his own life but.. in the sense that if Edwin were to capture him & torture him.. Kyon would just not care. When you have suicidal thoughts you think the world would be better without you.. so yeah. I feel bad for him.. he's getting the short end of the stick. Our only saving grace here is Lucaon.. but I'd be surprised if he's able to hear Kyon out without reacting poorly.. he has definitely been demonstrating sincere concern for Kyon but the switch can flip at any time (ch.0)

    Speaking of ch. 0.. I wonder if those accounts really happened or if Kyon was just dreaming it.. because when he wakes up, Lucaon has no cane & Kyon is not bruised despite the severe impact. Maybe Edwin plants those dreams in his head.. though how Lucaon ends up with a cane in them is beyond me.

    It's possible that the solution here is to keep Kyon chained to Lucaon's bed? Maybe that's what Lucaon will do so that Kyon doesn't leave the mansion. So much needs to happen still though.. & I'm scared of reading the next chapter.. I want to know but I also don't want to know what happens.

    alinmango August 4, 2017 7:33 pm
    Honestly, I feel like after the incident with Ryan.. Kyon has completely thrown the towel over his well-being. I don't think he cares anymore about what may happen to him when he leaves the mansion. he looks ve... Green Emerald

    I completely agree. Kyon looks so unlike himself in the recent chapters, especially this one, I almost can't bear to see him suffer like this. But who can blame him after what he discovered? On top of having to leave the person he loves.

    I have an idea that Kyon will be forced out and made to return to Edwin's mansion, either by choice or by being captured. But even if that happens, I think Kyon will definitely get himself into trouble by making an attempt to kill Edwin. He seems like he has had enough of it all. And it would be quite a treat to see Kyon trying to sacrifice everything to save Lucaon.

    However, according to Chapter 0 (depending on when it takes place; from what we can see it is very nearby) there is a chance that a Kyon vs Edwin scenario might never take place. And maybe that would be for the best, as Kyon is physically weak in comparison to royals and would definitely lose.

    In a way, I am rooting for Lucaon to lock Kyon up. It would be a blatant expression of honesty: he can't tolerate the idea of Kyon leaving. I can't wait for the next chapter.

    Green Emerald August 4, 2017 8:13 pm
    I completely agree. Kyon looks so unlike himself in the recent chapters, especially this one, I almost can't bear to see him suffer like this. But who can blame him after what he discovered? On top of having to... alinmango

    Exactly!! Oh my goodness, I'm so happy I found someone to share thoughts with :3 Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I agree, in every sense of the word, with your logic.

    Its snowing so like you said, sh*t is about to hit the fan real soon.. and I feel like we're going to be left with a cliffhanger with the scale leaning more towards the tragic side.

    On another note, how do you think the Selvior symbol managed to reappear on Kyon's nape in ch. 0? I've been asking myself this question for a while now since Intron took over & would be interested in your take :3

    alinmango August 5, 2017 5:33 am
    Exactly!! Oh my goodness, I'm so happy I found someone to share thoughts with :3 Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I agree, in every sense of the word, with your logic.Its snowing so like you said, sh*t is ab... Green Emerald

    Yes, I love having someone to talk to about RS! It's my favorite manhwa.

    If I get left with a cliffhanger... I am going to jump. Right off that cliff.

    As for how the selvior symbol appeared on his name in ch. 0, I have been thinking about that as well.

    I think a few theories are possible. The theory I am leaning towards is that Lucaon discovers the intron logo, subjugates him (again) and makes it very clear that he will not be allowed to leave. However, at the same time, Kyon could be pressed with some intimidation on Edwin's side for either not completing the task or being in the perfect position to off Lucaon. Either way, it backs Kyon into such a corner that he cannot imagine another way to escape the mansion (thereby saving Lucaon) other than cutting the bond himself.

    Another possibility is that Kyon is trying to kill himself in that scene, either because he can no longer bear the abuse and captivity that comes with staying with Lucaon (I do not think that is the case) or he is, again, being pressured by someone who wants him to hurt Lucaon. Maybe he has the potential to become a weapon (if Edwin were to specialize in mind control, this could be scary for him-- even if he is not a half-blood) and wants to make sure that he will never hurt Lucaon.

    Come to think of it, was Lucaon ever really able to subjugate Kyon if he was already working for Intron..? Of course the selvior logo appeared but I am curious as to how much of Lucaon's power he was ACTUALLY able to use. And if he really was subjugated to Lucaon up until that point, then having the Intron logo reinstalled on his neck seemed rather easy? In this case, it would be interesting- seeing a back and forth. Two royals bicker over a servant as they replace the logo on his nape over and over again. How cute.

    Sachiko August 5, 2017 9:19 am
    Yes, I love having someone to talk to about RS! It's my favorite manhwa. If I get left with a cliffhanger... I am going to jump. Right off that cliff. As for how the selvior symbol appeared on his name in ch. 0... alinmango

    No. That would not be cute. Kyon is not a toy as Lucaon has been treating him up until now. Nothing would change either then. T.

    Sachiko August 5, 2017 9:23 am
    Honestly, I feel like after the incident with Ryan.. Kyon has completely thrown the towel over his well-being. I don't think he cares anymore about what may happen to him when he leaves the mansion. he looks ve... Green Emerald

    It seemed that much of the zeros last attack on the Selvior household was also part dreamlike at least initially.

    Anonymous August 5, 2017 12:15 pm

    I wish he could stay with Ryan or shionkaris

    alinmango August 5, 2017 4:09 pm
    No. That would not be cute. Kyon is not a toy as Lucaon has been treating him up until now. Nothing would change either then. T. Sachiko

    Worry not, I meant that ironically.

    Sachiko August 6, 2017 2:03 am
    Worry not, I meant that ironically. alinmango

    Okay, thanks for letting me know and not wondering why I didn't automatically get that. I have a learning disability akin to autism. Which it makes it hard to distinguish tone sometimes (just sometimes, mind you. :P) especially on media formats like this.

    Sachiko August 6, 2017 2:04 am
    Worry not, I meant that ironically. alinmango

    Again, my SINCERE thanks! :D

    Green Emerald August 6, 2017 8:17 pm
    Yes, I love having someone to talk to about RS! It's my favorite manhwa. If I get left with a cliffhanger... I am going to jump. Right off that cliff. As for how the selvior symbol appeared on his name in ch. 0... alinmango

    False alarm, it seems the Intron symbol only showed up on Kyon's nape momentarily at the time he came in contact with the Zero during the attack. It's no longer on Kyon's nape:
    You can see the Selvior symbol hidden a little by the collar. My bad.. lol

    Which means that in ch.1 like you said, Kyon will more than likely go under an immense amount of pressure from Edwin's influence to then decide on killing himself/breaking Lucaon's bond so that he can disappear without worrying about Lucaon chasing after him.

    I'm starting to think that Kyon may be of mixed blood.. 'cause we don't know about his father's whereabouts.. granted he doesn't have a core but we know not all mixed blood are born with one. But then wouldn't a Royal Blood be able to detect a mixed blood? I wonder..

    kana August 6, 2017 10:08 pm
    False alarm, it seems the Intron symbol only showed up on Kyon's nape momentarily at the time he came in contact with the Zero during the attack. It's no longer on Kyon's nape:http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/r... Green Emerald

    The intron symbol didn't show up on Kyon's nape. It's just a flashback showing Edwin gave him the intron symbol.
    And the author said Kyon is normal human on Twitter.

    Green Emerald August 6, 2017 10:20 pm
    The intron symbol didn't show up on Kyon's nape. It's just a flashback showing Edwin gave him the intron symbol.http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/royal_servant/uu/royal_servant-chapter-33/19/http://www.mangago.m... @kana

    You're right~ Thank you for clearing that up for me :3
    & I'm kind of sad that Kyon isn't of mixed blood.. I feel it would make the story all the more interesting & it would definitely add a twist! But I trust in Mastergin's judgement because everything that has been going on as of late has brought out so much raw emotion from the characters. Anyway, thank you for letting me know about what was posted on Twitter.. I don't have one so it definitely sounds like I may be missing out lol.

    kana August 6, 2017 10:42 pm
    You're right~ Thank you for clearing that up for me :3& I'm kind of sad that Kyon isn't of mixed blood.. I feel it would make the story all the more interesting & it would definitely add a twist! But I... Green Emerald

    It's all right. I enjoy reading your comments. Thank you for sharing your thoughts (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Green Emerald August 6, 2017 11:11 pm
    It's all right. I enjoy reading your comments. Thank you for sharing your thoughts (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ @kana

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ You're too sweet~ I appreciate your kindness

    alinmango August 7, 2017 12:55 am
    False alarm, it seems the Intron symbol only showed up on Kyon's nape momentarily at the time he came in contact with the Zero during the attack. It's no longer on Kyon's nape:http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/r... Green Emerald

    I see. It is good that this was cleared up, then! I was worried about how Kyon would manage to hide the intron logo. But the fact that he is still subjugated to Lucaon is good. In any case, the intron logo appearing during the attack must have been an illusion that signified his awakening as opposed to the actual thing.

    Hopefully Lucaon will stop him before he manages to do that... Although that doesn't seem likely. And for the sake of plot progression, I imagine Kyon would have to end up in Edwin's hands just once for these things to pop off.

    It is possible that perhaps some mixed bloods have weaker auras than others.. Logan has definitely been giving me a mixed-blood vibe from the very beginning, but nobody ever commented on this in the mansion. So perhaps the theory that Logan is a mixed blood is either 1. incorrect or 2. proof that not all mixed bloods can be detected?

    I have always wondered about Kyon's father as well. It seems that the missing pieces in Kyon's past, so far, have been quite important. At least, Kyon being a mixed blood would explain why Edwin picked him to recruit. But there are also other potential explanations for that... So who knows.

    We still don't know his last name, either. I'm really curious. And I feel that they haven't given it to us yet on purpose.