but i think or i would hope a translator knows the difference between Than and Then.
Also, I am the annon that didnt want to be 'bothered' by going to facebook, OP didnt say anything about being bothered. And again, I dont have, want, or need a facebook account, and I am not going to get one just to read a chapter. I appreciate the summaries that Hataki gave. Please correct me if I am wrong, but havent the raws been up on this site for a few years and isnt this manga licensed in english.....so what the hell is your problem, someone put up some summaries boo fucking hoo

I repeat, I do this for free, means that I am NOT a pro. If I were, I wouldn't be there but working for a company instead. = I do not have to know anything. For such things I have my proofreader.
I explain it again, hope for the last time, this isn't just a summary in my opinion, but nevermind that, the real point is HOW it was posted.
Peoplo who scroll in the comments below, will read it, not all, but a big part. It would have be enough to write something like:
bla bla bla"
So those that WANTED to know, would have to click on the Plus button to open it.
Nothing more. In my eyes, is this no help, not for everyone.
Yes there are raws, but you see only if you want to.
If you do not want a Fb account, I understand, I didn't want one either, but I have to for now. There is also twitter. You do not need an account to read a "Release" post. I also want to clearify that the chapters are not uploaded on any social media.
The sm are used to keep people informed, and share the links to the releases.
English license are worth nothing. This is a Japanese work. It is licensed anyway.
I also think that you are not aware that not everyone can buy a Homosexual book.
In some countries, people can go in Jail or even get killed if they are in posses of "such things". Mostly countries which are ruled by extreme religious islamists.
Like some parts of Indonesia.
This way people can read it online without getting in to trouble, and that's it.

I'm not going to side with anyone. I'm just browsing the topics as always and decided to put my opinion. Well, if I offend anyone, pardon my words.
To start with.. When I saw the word "actual summary", I didn't bother reading the rest. I do not want to be spoiled you see..
It's an UNSPOKEN RULE that anyone in this site SHOULD NOT SPOIL others just because they knew what's gonna happen. It is considered a foul. But since it is unspoken, there are still many who do this. When someone comments, "more..more" or "i so wanna know what happens next" - this clearly means they had taken a liking to the manga and it DOESN'T ACTUALLY MEAN THAT THEY WANT TO READ IN THE COMMENTS THE ACTUAL SUMMARY... Those words are just representation of their excitement...Putting SPOILERS OUT IS NOT ACTUALLY ENCOURAGED.. Of course the exception to this is when the project is dropped and no chapter is to be expected anytime soon. BUT IF THE SCANLATION TEAM IS ACTIVE.. IT IS VERY RUDE TO POST SUMMARIES OUT ESPECIALLY IF IT DOES NOT ONLY SPOIL TINY BITS OF INFO BUT INSTEAD A FULL PLOT SUMMARY.. POSTING THIS ON THE TOPIC SECTION IS BLATANT DISRESPECT TO THE TOILING OF THE TRANSLATORS AND SCANLATORS...This is a fact and a common sense.. If you still post a summary, you should expect to OFFEND THE TEAM THAT HAD BEEN WORKING HARD BEHIND THE SCENES..
On the other hand, even if the spoilers are out, readers are of course gonna read them BUT still wait for the actual release of the updated chapters. We, of course are here to read manga and would like to see the illustrations of the author. The squinting of the eyes, the smiles, the snorts, this is the reason why we are all here after all instead of reading a plot summary or a novel. And so, SPOILERS ARE TOLERATED...
Although spoilers are not TOTALLY BANNED, be more mindful. You cannot actually call it SPOILERS if it already contain the plot summary. A spoiler means "Some information you would've preferred to find out yourself".. Posting too much about the plot can be considered as an ACTIVE CHALLENGE TO THE SCANLATION TEAM.. And we owe these hardworking fellas what we're reading. It would be such a pity if these too much of a "SPOILER" discouraged them to translate, clean and scan our favorite mangas, isn't it??
The ACTIVE CHALLENGE can be understood if the the scans are awful and you want to be the one to take over to release more accurate translations and clearer scans, but in this case, they are not. Even if that is the case, then you can talk privately.
Helping others know what's gonna happen is good BUT WITHIN THE LIMITS, please....
to both parties, I hope we all should be responsible for our comments and posts.. Be more aware of the words we say that may hurt others.
Thank you.

Are you aware how much work it takes for a team to release a chapter?? The typesetters, cleaners, editors.. Many hands and brains are at work just to release one. Then after all your hard work.. Someone suddenly start acting like an upstart.. Posting an ACTUAL SUMMARY.. You expect the team to thank you, now??
If it is not attention you want, do you mean you posted your "actual summaries" WITHOUT wanting ANYONE TO READ THEM AND PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR POST??? Didn't you post it so many will mind it??
And don't give me shit that you posted these because many wanted to read but without any means.. Why don't you do these kind of "selfless act" on projects like "A man like you" or "What lies at the end".. So many wanted to read but no one duke out lengthy summaries.. This manga has an ACTIVE TEAM working on it. It doesn't need your KIND HELP.
Besides, if you posted spoilers, I will not react.. like what the above post said, spoilers have limit.. What you posted is way out of the line. Clearly disrespecting the people working on this project, pushing them to a corner and making them think of quitting..
Why?? So much free time on hand??? Do you wanna pick this up if ever the GOM team decided to drop this?? Are you prepared to accept such commitment?? If not, then stop being an UPSTART that you are.. And sit back in the side, will ya??

Just want to say that I am working on all the releases alone since over a year.
I do everything by mysyelf. I only ask sometimes a friend of mine if she can proofread it for me, because readers have often said (in the beginning) that my english wasn't good enough too be understand. But scanning cleaning translating and typesetting, I do that all alone.
But like said before, it would have been better if he posted like we usually do with spoilers, and not like taht...
But anyway, thank you very much for your kindness.

Thank you. Very much for the summaries. I greatly appreciate it, and I'm sure many fans do.
(Honestly, even though I wrote 'Veteran', I don't have anything on the people who have been here for more than 20 years. This year is my 12th (jesus christ I'm old) year in fandom.)
I've been reading manga for more than half my life. I can remember when reader aggregate sites weren't a thing (and IRC was). I've seen the scanlating landscape change greatly over the years - once upon a time no one would allow sharing of their work on aggregate sites, as they were (and still are) breaking the law, but they did it because it was hard to obtain and read manga legally. Now adays I see scanlating groups purposely uploading their work to aggregate sites - which, btw, are run by companies that profit of the ads on the page, and don't help the mangaka, scanlators, publishers -anyone in the chain really - one bit.
Anyway. I just want to say. We share because we love. Projects are our babies, but now adays it's actually rare to have a group abstain from scanlating something because another group was doing it earlier. This isn't even a scan, it's a summary.
I find the scanlator of this series to be extremely childish, like a person who won't update their fanfiction without X number of reviews. Rather than doing it because they love the series and love the fandom, they want attention - 'if no one is looking at my work why bother doing it'. There are people patiently waiting for your work. But if you throw a tantrum like that, I'm seriously tempted to dust of my cleaners and scanlate this rest of this before you, because I can't believe a series I love so much is tainted by someone as rude and self-centered as you.

Can you pick this up now that you got permission from the translator? Please because I agree with you, they are being petty by threatening to quit translating because of the summaries being posted.
Please consider it Veteran!

right? like a dictator "i'm not doing this anymore, all because of you"
like, you know it'll make everyone upset. that's why you did it.
For the record, i have worked on projects in the past, so i do know the amount of work it takes. no one ever said you had to stop because of the summaries. not a one. that was all you.
@Veteran, love you!!! go ahead, take it up, all the more power to you.

if you didn't want to know the spoilers why did you read it in the first place.....you have a scroll down button for a reason....use it....
Okay, okay, so I see everyone asking about spoilers for vol.4 & 5, so I decided to do that, seeing as I own them both in English. (i just finished 4. now i'm taking a break and heading onto vol.5)
Chapter 16 is actually part of vol.4, but whatever.
Chapter 17
Sogo tells yamato not to be late to the meeting with Jin. Jin and yamato exchange bunts, of who’s trying to hard to look good at their age. Jin introduced the kid he’s looking after, tsubasa. Who pretty much is playing macho, saying he had to make sure they didn’t hustle Jin. Which Jin thinks in adorable. The dad, Hyoudou, was also a friend from high school. One that Jin used to have a long time love for, and yamato took. The handsome blondie they meet, is Hyoudou. He was only expecting Sogo, so he’s surprised to see yamato, who he says is unfair because he looks so sexy. They decide to meet up later, at yamato’s office. Outside, Sogo lectures yamato for drooling over him, telling him not to repeat past mistakes.
Sogo heads Hyoudou off out front, pretty much telling him, hands off. Hyoudou thinks this is funny, saying he’s the jealous lover. To which Sogo says they never slept together, they are friends. That if anyone hurt him, he would wring their neck, even this guy. Hyoudou finds this hysterical, telling him, then wring your own neck, because back then, Sogo hurt him more than anyone. He says he only took yamato up on sex because he was curious, and that yamato was only a kid, who wasn’t dumb enough to spread his legs for anyone. He says, now why would an innocent kid do something so fucked up? Because he was in love with a guy he could never have. (yes, yamato had THE biggest man crush on Sogo in their teens) Sogo says he’ lying. Denial. Hyoudou says to ask him. That it was only after yamato dumped him, that he realized he was in love. Sogo, says, the HE ended things to get back with his girlfriend. He tells him, that was a lie. Sogo’s thought’s were that he noticed something but figured he was wrong, because he thought yamato was in love with Hyoudou. He feels bad now that he hurt him.