Trying to see if I can stay on part time as an intern for the fall semester - but switchin...

Mochi August 1, 2017 11:38 pm

Trying to see if I can stay on part time as an intern for the fall semester - but switching to a different department. Let me know what needs to be changed. I wanted to throw in what I can contribute but gosh I know nothing about data analytics so all I can offer are passion and cheeriness

Hi ____

After our conversation last time as well as the presentation Betsy gave, I would love to explore and learn more about the field on the job. I am interested in the Data Reporting & Analytics department and would like to discuss part-time Fall opportunities, if that is something within the scope of the department. My long term interest lies in AI and machine learning, but I lack the foundation and I hope to build that through an opportunity with the DRA department. In working with the DRA team, I hope to contribute in multitude of ways. I believe one of my strengths lies in interpersonal skills, and I have found that to be useful during this summer because it allowed me to branch outside the Disaster Recovery team and spoke with many people in other departments, giving me a more holistic perspective of the organization as a whole and how each component works with one another for an organization to function.

Please let me know if this is something that can be further discussed.

    Aiko August 1, 2017 11:58 pm

    ur sentences r a bit long, especially the last one. You have run on sentences. Hope u check it over. ( ̄∇ ̄") Mine is just as bad so i have no right to say. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Sorry.

    Mochi August 2, 2017 2:27 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! flower

    "Because honestly, if you don't know much about this department, it will show in the email. Resulting in your email to show laziness and lack of ambition--no matter how serious you are about this job"

    OH NOOO I SENT IT ALREADY!!! I changed the wording a bit and etc and stuffs after I showed it to a friend...

    What's done is done but now I feel upset....It wasn't supposed to be a cover letter. I actually had an informational interview with the person last tuesday, and so I couldn't quite find the right timing and etc to ask about this until now. I sent it out as a normal email in the org (since im an intern right now)

    And OH FUCK I SHOULD'VE THANKED THEM!! Shit I always included it in my cover letters and etc WHY DID I FORGET THIS TIME!!

    oh no.................i just got to hope for the best now..........

    The first part is actually the same, and this is what I modified

    During this summer, one of my greatest strengths that I believe helped me succeed is my interpersonal skills. It has allowed me to branch outside the Disaster Recovery team and speak with many people in other departments. This has proven to be very beneficial and efficient for me in my work because I knew which resources to reach out to, and has helped tremendously in my project where I met with different application SMEs everyday. I hope to contribute in the same way to the DRA team.

    wahhhhhhhhhhhhh ugh. UGH. WELL GUESS WHAT, I JUST NEED TO PREPARE MYSELF FOR THE FALL CAREER FAIR. I NEED A JOB. you know, I had actually written several cover letters in the past but never heard back from any companies that I sent one out for.

    But hey flower thanks so much, for being so detailed and attentive and helpful. I should have waited before I sent it out T_T

    Mochi August 2, 2017 2:28 am
    ur sentences r a bit long, especially the last one. You have run on sentences. Hope u check it over. ( ̄∇ ̄") Mine is just as bad so i have no right to say. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Sorry. Aiko

    Hey Aiko thank you!! I did actually modify it later on so got to hope for the best and see what he replies tomorrow T_T

    Aiko August 2, 2017 3:58 am
    Hey Aiko thank you!! I did actually modify it later on so got to hope for the best and see what he replies tomorrow T_T Mochi

    Hope u get this job! Good luck! You got this! ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Don't put too much pressure on urself cuz there is a lot of competition. Rooting for ya~