To explain in an easiest way: During menstruation,you could say the egg cell is being shredded into BLOODY PIECES. By the time you have your period, the egg cell is dead (killed by thy body ). So, no you won't get pregnant if you undergo intercourse during your period. You'll just end up with a bloody mess
It is said that the highest chances of getting pregnant is to do it a week before the period or something because chances are the egg cell is fertile and ready for fertilization. And safest days are after the period because your system is repairing the SHREDDED BLOODEH endometrium and the egg isn't ready for ovulation yet
I have made a mistake! You can get pregnant, but the chances are very very very low
Short answer: yes
Long answer: (01:51)
Also, I don't get why guys think they know more about a woman's body than women...
Men love mansplaining
So my boyfriend and I were arguing if women can get pregnant even on their period, and to me as a woman i thought it was pretty obvious that u can get pregnant no matter what unless ur under birth control but he argues that u just cant get pregnant on ur period like no matter what. Can someone please enlighten him or me on this topic?