While I think it was a twisted way to do it, I think he was trying to get Soutarou to realize why what he was saying was fucked up.
Like Satoi isnt delicate but he shared all his fears and secret with Soutarou and all Soutarou can do is doubt him? Like basically saying "if a pretty boy is nice you'd dump me and date him" like, how shallow.
I wouldn't resort yo Satois methods but Id be pissed. Like 0 trust in me. No faith at all, it like Soutarou wasn't being real he was trying "not to make him mad" while missing the point of a relationship and Satoi was like "well fuck then I treat you like the doll youre trying to be"
I mean he's an idiot. Theyre both idiots.

Where was Soutarou supposed to get the faith?
When his bf told him "No you're not weird" Or "Who cares if people would think I'm weird I want to hang out with you anyway." when Soutarou told him he'll be weird too if they hang out in school.
Much care.
Or is it when Satoi called him ugly when he dressed up?
Or when Mifune held Satoi as a girl and Satoi stared at him for a long time with a blush on his face. (Great confidence booster there)
Or you know the millions of reasons Satoi gave him about why he was with him? Oh wait, that never happened.
But yes, I should give you all the faith in you for doing absolutely nothing when I needed you to.
Here's what Satoi knows and does nothing. He knows Soutarou gets bullied, does nothing. He knows Soutarou think he's too weird for him, does nothing. He knows that in junior high, a girl faked being in love with him, does nothing. Soutarou has shown you time and time again, he thinks he's not good enough for you but not ONCE and I really mean not ONCE have you tried to talk to him about it. Trust is BUILT NOT HANDED TO YOU. You don't get that from simply being a boyfriend/girlfriend. I would trust my dog better than someone who has NOT ONCE tried to defend or encourage me.
The first thing you did, when Soutarou's anxiety is so bad that he practically has to beg you to stay is to rape him. Or try to rape him. And do you know the kind of damage that he can do with someone like Soutarou? Someone who has already been bullied before and too weak to fight back? Do you?

And when I say "Does nothing" I simply mean talking to him about it. Or even telling him "I know you have your insecurities but just know that I see a different side of you and I love you for it" Just SOMETHING for him to hang on to, SOMETHING so that when times gets real bad he can tell himself, "No Satoi told me this and I should trust him" But where is that??

I think that's exactly the point. Satoi shared all his fears with him, but Sotarou's fear is that Satoi is just with him because he's the only one who knows his fears and as soon as someone else knows, he will be dumped.
For the whole point is, what Satoi 'gives back' is staying with Sotarou, like dating him is a great favor he's doing. Sotarou gives him comfort to his fears, but Satoi doesn't do the same, he things being there is enough, but it is not when Sotarou's biggest fear is that he's just there because he has no other option.
And Sotarou has reasons to believe that: it's happened to him before with that girl. So trust is not something he gives away easily. In fact, it's hard for him to trust. And here comes again the whole argument that being with Sotarou is not enough. Satoi has to do more.
Sotarou has serious anxieties, and it can become an abusive relationship when one person is just doing everything they can to not make the other mad.
This doesn't mean however that Satoi is the villain. With anyone else, maybe just being there would be enough. Satoi is kinda self-absorbed and everything in the relationship is about him, but that's not what Sotarou needs.
As I said above, I don't think Sotarou is in a place for a relationship with someone like Satoi.
Wow, that last chapter was so... ugh. Satoi was basically doing the old "have sex with me if you love me" thing and that's so gross.
Sotarou is kind of insensitive sometimes, but Satoi hardly ever tries to understand where his boyfriend is coming from - most of the time he's just doing things thinking of Satoi.
The relationship is kinda hard to read at this point, because Sotarou is really insecure, to the point where I think it's not healthy for him to be with Satoi, someone who clearly gives him anxiety. Not really Satoi's fault, he can't help being popular, but his status is bad for Sotarou.
In the beginning, I thought Satoi was the "popular, but secretly nice" guy, but as it turns out, he's the one who's too self-absorbed.
And know where I can see this going? Jealousy plot with Satoi and the other guy. Satoi will probs give him a chance and hurt Sotarou. And Sotarou will have to fight for him.
But when has Satoi ever fought for Sotarou, for him to be accepted by his friends, or stood by his side besides behind closed doors?