"I feel better after buying groceries." -- HA+ You're surely born to be Waifu! And.. Of course, the one who gave Waifu, Credit Card is Husbando! ☜╮(´∀´☜╮)
definitely agree!!!!! he is #wifegoals
(=´▽`)人(´▽`=) HA+
Husbando be working hard for the both of them After all he's got a Waifu to care for we dont want him slippin away .(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
agree! he such a waifu! like omg, I never seen such a good waifu LOL the husbando give all his money XD
"I feel better after buying groceries." -- HA+ You're surely born to be Waifu!
And.. Of course, the one who gave Waifu, Credit Card is Husbando! ☜╮(´∀´☜╮)