This is a complicated situation. The uke is weak-willed and the instant someone else show...

akuma_river July 28, 2017 9:09 pm

This is a complicated situation.

The uke is weak-willed and the instant someone else shows interest in his boyfriend he decides that his boyfriend should date them.

The seme is confused as fuck because he thought he had a good relationship with someone who fully accepted him. Then all of a sudden his boyfriend tells him to not talk to him at school. Then starts to avoid him. Then tells him that he should date his best friend.

I think he crossed the line...but he was also testing the uke to see if he really cared about him and the relationship. And he failed. But he still loves the guy which is why he told him to fight for it.

As for the 'fighting for the relationship' Satoi just wants his boyfriend to put an honest effort into their relationship. Yes people are interfering and it's a trying time, but this is point where you are supposed to reaffirm your love for each other and that while it is a trying time that you will get through it together.

Instead, uke just said you are too pretty to be with me and the situation with your bestfriend is more acceptable and you might fall for him so you should just date him and not me.

Satoi was told his love for his boyfriend was worthless. It meant nothing to him, because he won't even try to fight to keep their relationship going. He won't make a single stand to try to keep dating. He won't even declare that he loves Satoi.

Mifune...I feel sorry for him. But I'm wondering if he might actually fall for Satoi if he finds out the truth.

Subaru can fuck off.

    Anonymous July 28, 2017 11:14 pm

    You are so right. This is exactly how i feel

    Anonymous July 29, 2017 4:06 am

    I LOVE that you are ONLY talking about from a socially adapt person stand point. Now let's take it from Soutarou side ok?
    Since you obviously tried to do that. (note the sarcasm) The boy whose description in this manga actually says 'shy and reserved' the boy that gets called weird just because he has passion for his own likes. The boy who did nothing to anyone but people dislike him simply because he's an otaku.

    What would you feel if your own bf's best friend tells you that you are too weird for him. Well, for me, someone who's quite confident of myself, I'll tell him to shut the f up and let the boy make his own decisions. For someone like Soutarou here, who does not even have friends to build his confidence and gets told his weird. He would OBVIOUSLY be able to do the same thing right?

    Now what if I see my boyfriend getting hit on by a popular girl? Well for me, I'd tell the girl, what's your problem? Why are you hitting on someone who's attached? Are you that pathetic you can't find your own guy that you have to steal someone else's? And I'll tell my bf that while I trust him, he better not cheat on me or else I'll break up with him, no buts or how. I love myself too much to get hurt by him. For SOUTAROU, who is already so insecure with his own self, who would not even understand why anybody want to be with him the way he is. Who gets disgusted stares for minding his own business. Who gets told his weird by his own bf's best friend. I would not have any confidence in myself at all, where would I get that? Would YOU give that to me? Where am I suppose to get that? How fair is that you think you can compare me to someone who is confident and me who can't even like something innocent without being judged for it?

    There's a difference between being weak willed and just being insecure. You can't expect someone like that to be able to do the same things YOU DO. It is NOT FAIR. As a teacher I can tell you that if you expect two kids to act the same way when they have different circumstances, I would LAUGH at your face before I tell you to stay away from my kids with your harmful expectations.

    But you know, thanks for only talking from a socially adapt person standpoint.

    Anonymous July 29, 2017 4:09 am

    It's funny you also conveniently forget that before the uke found out about the seme's love for crossdressing, the seme himself said the uke was too normal and ugly looking. High self esteem uke alright!!!!!!!

    Anonymous July 29, 2017 4:20 am

    Or you know the fact that the uke basically SPELLED OUT to YOU that Mifune was one of the FEW people that does not bully him for what he likes. But OF COURSE that should not matter to the uke right? He should have all this confidence to hold on to a boyfriend like Satoi. Great thinking! Eveyrbody's the same! Nobody's different! If you're different! It's your fault! Your bullies? Hell no. Your bf! Hell no.

    Anonymous July 29, 2017 4:46 am

    Soutarou: Gets bullied for liking what he does and for minding his own business.

    Basically told his bf that Mifune is one of the few people that does not discriminate him or laugh at him for being a geek.

    Gets told to stay away from Satoi because people would think that Satoi is weird just because he hangs around Soutarou.

    Look at the way the friend told him off "People would think Satoi is weird TOO" Basically reaffirming the fact that Soutarou is too weird for Satoi. He can't even be FRIENDS with Soutarou in public because even that will make Satoi look bad.

    The next page is Soutarou thinking that if Satoi is weird simply for being FRIENDS with him what would happen if people find out they are going out?

    What happens when Satoi found Soutarou on the ground?

    He asks "Are you being bullied again?"
    KNOWING that the uke gets bullied regularly.

    When your bf tells you that he doesn't want to hang out with you in school because he wants to protect you from people thinking that YOU'RE weird. The appropriate response instead of saying FUCK those people, is of course Ok, after school then?

    Then when Satoi talked to him about it again and Soutarou said the same thing, all Satoi said was "I see." Hmm wonderful boyfriend behaviour. Then instead of reassuring your bf about how you don't mind, you straight away talk about Mifune. Hmmmm.

    Even Mifune said that Soutarou is the type to get CHEATED on. Wonderful huh?

    Then after, have girls talk about how good his bf and his friends looks together. Mind you let's not forget that

    Socially adapt person: Soutarou is SO WEAKWILLED. This all happens because of Soutarou! You know, the weakwilled Soutarou who despite his small size tried to fight those who tried to bully Satoi and those who told Satoi that he's weird for crossdressing.

    He's so weakwilled because he doesn't fight! I mean, who needs any semblance of confidence inside of themselves to fight! I mean obviously the seme did all he can to make Soutarou feel secure right. I mean he obviously told Soutarou that no, it's not ok that they don't eat lunch together just because some people might find Satoi weird. Obviously.

    He has so much confidence.

    Look!!! He obviously feel that he has the basic right to ask his bf about something.

    And Satoi: After seeing his bf gets bullied. KNOWING that the bf gets bullied regularly. Told by the bf that Soutarou is too weird for him.

    He first, talks about Mifune. Asks the bf to fight for him because the seme obviously did that right? You know, by telling the uke that he does not care if people think he's weird for hanging with the uke? (Even the seme still thinks the uke is weird for his hobbies, wonderful right?)

    The seme who KNOWS the uke has no friends or confidence EXPECTS the uke to KNOW how to fight for him.

    Does he even realise that the uke's way of fighting for him is to BEG HIM not to be with someone else. Because he doesn't even find himself WORTHY or have A RIGHT to ask Satoi to stay with him. But obviously, everybody should fight ONE WAY AND one way only.

    Because everybody is a socially adapt person and should have the same capability. Even little boys who gets bullied and told he's too weird to hang out with the cool kids.

    Anonymous July 29, 2017 7:04 am

    Okay I get that people are defending Soutarou. He's weak, he's been bullied so much he can't even think of possibly making a stand for himself, he has HORRIBLE communication skills with Satoi.

    Yes, the seme entered a relationship knowing full well that the uke is really pathetic and doesn't have much spine to him. But relationships are supposed to be TWO WAY STREETS. Because Soutarou doesn't even dare talk to him about say, Subaru, or his doubts about the relationships, he only expresses it in the form of that constant distrust of their relationship.

    Saying that Mifune is far more worthy than him, and that Satoi would definitely fall in love with Mifune, doesn't that really speak to how much Soutarou doesn't believe their relationship can work?? Soutarou beats it at the first sign of challenge, treats Satoi's crossdressing persona with a general different attitude, blatantly tells Satoi that Satoi would abandon him if someone else came along. Why is Soutarou in this relationship? Because of his blinding love for Meguru?

    A relationship in which one person constantly has to reassure the other that they won't leave or that they're happy with who they are right then and there doesn't sound like a very nice one. It sounds tiring. Soutarou is just filled with so much doubt and paranoia that it threatens their relationship. He needs to learn how to talk to Satoi, how to communicate more properly than just telling that he's no more than dirt to Satoi so please don't leave me. Why is he so concerned with the opinions of others on their relationship? If you love your s/o, what does it matter what some outside people think? Soutarou can't just decide all on his own that Satoi is better off without him or not talking to him. If he's too much of a coward to even express some fears like that to Satoi, then obviously what gives him a right to date Satoi? He can't even tell anything to his own significant other.

    To be honest I'd be perfectly fine if they broke up.

    Anonymous July 29, 2017 1:41 pm
    Okay I get that people are defending Soutarou. He's weak, he's been bullied so much he can't even think of possibly making a stand for himself, he has HORRIBLE communication skills with Satoi.Yes, the seme ente... @Anonymous

    "Like, he hasn't even told Soutarou why he likes him, the only real reason he's given him is that Soutarou knows he crossdresses and hasn't freaked out." <<what someone else has said. It perfectly shows why Soutarou is too afraid of someone else knowing the same secret because he thinks Satoi only likes him because of that.

    "He needs to learn how to talk to Satoi, how to communicate more properly than just telling that he's no more than dirt to Satoi so please don't leave me. Why is he so concerned with the opinions of others on their relationship? If you love your s/o, what does it matter what some outside people think? "

    Do I really have to repeat? I just said you are trying to compare Soutarou to someone who is socially ADAPT. This is NOT what Soutarou is. It is UNFAIR to compare him to someone who is able to do that. Even those who are socially adapt would have FRIENDS who they can communicate with for advice. The seme KNOWS this. Even Satoi has his own friends he can trust and confide in and ask for advice. The uke has NO ONE. He was bullied since his previous school just because he is small, meek and has a passion for anime girls.

    The seme's reaction is horrible. And he has NEVER actually tried to reassure Soutarou. So you can stop with your "constantly reassuring" Because he has not done that once. The person who has ever acted reassuring was Soutarou who fought with a gang of guys who called Satoi weird for crossdressing. Even the seme still thinks Soutarou is too weird.

    When they played dress up, the seme called him TOO UGLY to be a girl. When your bf tells you that he's afraid that others would find you weird if you hang out, your response should never be "Ok" or "I see". How does that help anybody's self esteem. Then he went on to talk about HIS OWN problems with Mifune.

    Yes, a relationship is two way but it is also a GIVE AND TAKE. If you love someone and that someone is broken, sometimes you'll have to fix them up first before you can care for yourself. But to expect love to be returned with confidence so easily when you do nothing to help the other person it is RIDICULOUS.

    Has Satoi tried to help with the bullying? Has Satoi helped with his confidence? He expects so much but in actuality he has not done anything. I am tired with selfish love, that you should only love if the person loves you just as much. That's pathetic. Don't tell someone you love them if you would only love them if they love you back. That's not love. Satoi should have tried to work on Soutarou's confidence. Other semes/ukes would have explained to their other lover's the specific thing that made them love them so they know that they would not be left at a drop of the hat. When has Satoi ever done that?

    Look at this boy who liked someone before.

    Perfectly reasonable to ask the world of such a boy.

    Yuri's d1ldo September 16, 2023 9:45 pm
    I LOVE that you are ONLY talking about from a socially adapt person stand point. Now let's take it from Soutarou side ok? Since you obviously tried to do that. (note the sarcasm) The boy whose description in th... @Anonymous

    Oh you absolutely ate this