Spoiler... What pissed me off the most about the ending (and the...

Anonymous July 26, 2017 1:06 am


What pissed me off the most about the ending (and the whole idea of the story) is that semin got away with all those plagiarizing, just bc the author said so. The author set the story up so that yohan thought it's ok for semin to do it because that means "he loves me THAT much." A lot of korean readers are super pissed off because not only the author made it okay for semin to plagiarize, and he even got a boyfriend from plagiarizing! Amazing! So why don't we all start plagiarizing then, to show how much we love someone?? The story is so ridiculous, it has a great premise but the resolution is just not there. Semin's personality didn't change AT ALL. until the end, he is still weak willed. He still depends on kyunghee until the very last chapter, and he still runs away from problem unless he is confronted first by the other party. I'm not shaming people who have closed off personality and social anxiety, i'm just pissed because in this story, there is no character development whatsoever. Semin literally did nothing but cry and plagiarize and he still got yohan. Hell, the author even made it like being so passive and plagiarizing IS what made him got yohan. Sure maybe there are people who have twisted mind like that, and maybe the author wanted to portray a dysfunctional relationship but even so, the author didn't do a good job of it. She made it look like things might really improve, like semin might really change afterall, but nope, she just published the last chapter and just gave semin his boyfriend without effort. And semin's family condition, his relationship with his parents and brother? Never mentioned again. You will never get an explanation for that, ever.

    Spicemacy July 26, 2017 1:21 am

    Oh no. Well from few chapters i didnt like the copy thing . It made it seem like envy than shounen ai

    akuma_river July 26, 2017 1:56 am

    Is it over over or just a season ending? Or a sequel planned?

    morning July 26, 2017 3:41 am

    Uh holy shit thank you for this. I don't need to read this shitte again. The author is really weird uh dunno I mean she's an comic artist, she's a maker. Why would she glorify plagiarism? Smh.

    AyaTan July 26, 2017 4:31 am


    Unless you copied the exact same thing, you wont get indicted with plagiarism.
    Just by changing a minute detail, you get away with it and thats how life works.
    Almost none get imprisoned for plagiarism, unless you're rich enough to chase their never-ending existence and their insane reproductive prowess ... THAT'S REALITY.

    No one would imprison or get angry to a person you adore and like so much just because they imitate you. Quite the contrary, because we love them, we forgive them, we understand, and we just let it slip ... thats life.
    I'd rather have the person i love imitate me than imitate others --- most of us will get monstrously jealous if we see them the wearing matching shirts with others ... that happens ... THAT'S REALITY.

    All is fair in love and war.
    In the real world, people fall in love with people who have the same tastes and likes the same things, because it provides feelings of closeness and belongingness.
    Most of us find it awkward to be with others of different likes ang dislikes.
    Se min idolizes Jo Yohan before they even met, their meeting is plain coincidence.
    In the real world, if you want the person you love, you must do everything to make that person fall in love with you, and keep your relationship together ... THAT'S REALITY.

    In the real world, people don't actually change, unless something hits you hard enough to make a big impact or cause an epiphany.
    Even after decades and scores of years, people are just they are ... with all their strengths, shortcomings, personality, and human nature.
    You either accept them, or just let them be.
    Leave it or take it. ... THAT'S REALITY.

    There is no one person in the world who can be considered strong.
    All of us needs others in whatever aspect of life we have to deal with, most especially if we dont have the knowledge and experience.
    Character development in the real world takes forever, nothing wrong with manhua being realistic. ... THAT'S REALITY.

    In the real world, most relationships are dysfunctional, but we still make them work.
    We attract people and end up with them for the most ridiculous, hilarious, absurd, and unexplainable reasons .... because that is love.
    Men fall for women with cosmetic make-up faces and photoshopped pictures.
    While women fall for men who sweet talks them.
    Love is one messed-up shit, but hey it's actually fun. ... THAT'S REALITY.

    In the real world, family issues drags on forever without any resolution looming on the horizon, unless someone passes away.
    It will just exhaust and drain people until they either ignore it or just give it up entirely ... THAT'S REALITY.

    There is nothing wrong in getting a good boyfriend the easy way.
    Life is just like that; Others are lucky, while others to have pull some tricks.

    AyaTan July 26, 2017 4:32 am


    Unless you copied the exact same thing, you wont get indicted with plagiarism.
    Just by changing a minute detail, you get away with it and thats how life works.
    Almost none get imprisoned for plagiarism, unless you're rich enough to chase their never-ending existence and their insane reproductive prowess ... THAT'S REALITY.

    No one would imprison or get angry to a person you adore and like so much just because they imitate you. Quite the contrary, because we love them, we forgive them, we understand, and we just let it slip ... thats life.
    I'd rather have the person i love imitate me than imitate others --- most of us will get monstrously jealous if we see them the wearing matching shirts with others ... that happens ... THAT'S REALITY.

    All is fair in love and war.
    In the real world, people fall in love with people who have the same tastes and likes the same things, because it provides feelings of closeness and belongingness.
    Most of us find it awkward to be with others of different likes ang dislikes.
    Se min idolizes Jo Yohan before they even met, their meeting is plain coincidence.
    In the real world, if you want the person you love, you must do everything to make that person fall in love with you, and keep your relationship together ... THAT'S REALITY.

    In the real world, people don't actually change, unless something hits you hard enough to make a big impact or cause an epiphany.
    Even after decades and scores of years, people are just they are ... with all their strengths, shortcomings, personality, and human nature.
    You either accept them, or just let them be.
    Leave it or take it. ... THAT'S REALITY.

    There is no one person in the world who can be considered strong.
    All of us needs others in whatever aspect of life we have to deal with, most especially if we dont have the knowledge and experience.
    Character development in the real world takes forever, nothing wrong with manhua being realistic. ... THAT'S REALITY.

    In the real world, most relationships are dysfunctional, but we still make them work.
    We attract people and end up with them for the most ridiculous, hilarious, absurd, and unexplainable reasons .... because that is love.
    Men fall for women with cosmetic make-up faces and photoshopped pictures.
    While women fall for men who sweet talks them.
    Love is one messed-up shit, but hey it's actually fun. ... THAT'S REALITY.

    In the real world, family issues drags on forever without any resolution looming on the horizon, unless someone passes away.
    It will just exhaust and drain people until they either ignore it or just give it up entirely ... THAT'S REALITY.

    There is nothing wrong in getting a good boyfriend the easy way.
    Life is just like that; Others are lucky, while others to have pull some tricks... THAT'S REALITY.

    Kaito.Hat July 26, 2017 9:51 am
    LET ME STATE THE GOOD OLD FACTS OF WAKING LIFE AS HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS :~1. IN THE REAL WORLD,Unless you copied the exact same thing, you wont get indicted with plagiarism.Just by changing a minute detail, you... AyaTan

    1. According to who? I don't know how things work in art school, but if you reference ANYTHING you must cite it because it's not your original idea and is therefore plagiarism. As for copying someone's style, it's not illegal, but it's super creepy (Jo Yohan barely knows this guy, no matter how friendly he acts with him)

    2. We don't get angry at the people we love? Since when? Again, these two don't have an established relationship, and their friendship has barely bloomed, so your argument of wanting the people we love to imitate ourselves rather than others doesn't really make sense.

    3. “All's fair in love and war?” Not really. IN THE REAL WORLD (lol, seriously stop that) you can’t force a person to love you, and if you continue to push when a person has expressed their disinterest...well you don’t really love them, now do you? And not all relationships work out no matter how hard you try.

    4. You’re right, people don’t change, if ever, but this is a fictional story. Character development is EXPECTED in order for a story to progress naturally, or the author isn’t doing a good job...

    5. Again this is a fictional story, not real life. Character development of any form is expected. And, no, pains me as much to say, it doesn’t have to be of strength.

    6.Since when? When have most relationships been categorized as dysfunctional? I would love to see your source on that. A dysfunctional is a completely different thing for the quirky relationship you’re describing. They’re damaging and dangerous. Please don’t confuse the two.

    7. I’m sure the original commenter was referring to what looks like the familial abuse, not the actual resolution for it. You can’t just introduce something so serious like abuse (especially if it’s the main-fucking-character) and not touch on it at all.

    8. Still pretty shit though, considering I had high hopes for this web comic.

    Anonymous July 26, 2017 9:55 am
    LET ME STATE THE GOOD OLD FACTS OF WAKING LIFE AS HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS :~1. IN THE REAL WORLD,Unless you copied the exact same thing, you wont get indicted with plagiarism.Just by changing a minute detail, you... AyaTan

    Yeah sure but does it make a good story? No. Im looking for character development here or at least some semblance of growth in the story. I have the right to be pissed becsuse I BOUGHT THE RAWS. Unlike you who probably just read it for free here. And what's the author saying then, if she made a story where it's okay if semin is plagiarizing, if he doesn't change himself but still get a prize at the end of it? You might call it realoty or whatever but that's not the story i want to read. You can spout your thing but me as a reader wants to have a webtoon that is actually worth my money and time, it's my right to be pissed when the author failed to deliver what she seemed to promise when she made this webtoon.

    Sorami July 26, 2017 12:47 pm
    LET ME STATE THE GOOD OLD FACTS OF WAKING LIFE AS HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS :~1. IN THE REAL WORLD,Unless you copied the exact same thing, you wont get indicted with plagiarism.Just by changing a minute detail, you... AyaTan

    Before I even respond to your points I have to say, your comment makes me think you're a child because your perception of reality doesn't sound like reality at all. You're probably still in the stage where you haven't really lived experience real consequences for your actions.

    1. No one goes to jail for plagerism but it can ruin your academic career. Directly using the words of someone else is the most obvious way to plagerize but it's not the only way. Using someone else's ideas and themes could be plagerism too. Let's say you're an English Lit. major and you have to write a prose for your honours paper, writing about a girl with a cursed mole who goes to summer camp and learns of her magical destiny would be plagerism of Harry Potter. It doesn't use the exact same plot as Harry Potter but it's clearly the same theme and idea. It's up to your professor to decide how to handle the situation. If they're nice, they could just fail you or ask you to redo your paper and take a lower grade but if it's serious, they could go to the dean ans have you expelled. If you're expelled from university for plagerism, it could be hard to get into another, especially for the same major.

    2. You're right, it isn't a crime to imitate other people's manner of dress. I've seen friends do it plenty of times and even did it with mine. It's weird when strangers do it but not a crime. That would raise most people's red flags though. It's said imitation is the highest form of flattery but in real life it's not so charming, especially when the person being imitated isn't famous or a narcissist. It's creepy and most people would either call out the imitator or distance themselves from the imitator. Friends can dress alike and sometimes strangers accidentally dresss alike but if you imitate someone from afar in hopes of getting their attention, you risk looking like a weirdo.

    3. All is not fair in love and war and you can do whatever you want to get someone but the lies all eventually become revealed. If you lie to get someone, prepare to lose them. Also what Semin is doing isn't love, it's idolatry. Try that in real life and you'll be setting yourself up for a lot of hurt. Not everyone is nice and if you express that level of adoration without knowing how someone feels about you, they can decide to use you and manipulate you. Even with mutual trust, that's a risk. If you don't know your own worth and limits, people can use you and it happens to people like Semin all the time.

    4. People do and don't change. You know that saying, "the more things change the more they stay the same"? It's kinda like that. There are some things intrinsic about our beings that are so hard to change most people don't ever change them but some people become self-aware enough to override their instincts. Also, some people grow up. They were only they way they were because they were immature and with experience, they learn how to act. It's kinda cynical to think that people don't change without pressure but it's a personal view.

    5. I agree, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and we need each other to survive. Character development is active in the real world though. If you want to be an honest person, you don't get their by telling the truth once, you have to continuously tell the truth to develope a reputation as an honest person. Same for being a hardworking or a punctual person. You are known by your habits so whatever label you want to carry, you have to continuously act in that precise manner to maintain the title. Character feels like it takes forever because it has to be maintained.

    6. I don't know what kind of relationships you've been getting into but dysfunctionality should not be a norm of any realationship. That's why it's called dysfunctionality. Every person has their pros and cons so when two people enter a relationship, they're bound to find where they disagree and argue but if all you do in your relationship is fight, criticize to one another and lie to one another, you two need to find other partners. There is more to being in a relationship than what you see on tv. At some point, if you want a stable, feasible, long lasting relationship with someone you have to sit and talk about the serious things like political and religious views and what your goals are in life. If you're only with someone because they're hot or rich, the happiness isn't going to last; everyone ages and people lose money all the time.

    7. You are totally right on this. Some people die without ever resolving their issues and sometimes it's so bad they pass it onto their kids and feeds start without people really knowing why. Reality isn't as neat as tv and books.

    8. I do not know what the easy way is because to me getting people to notice you and talk to you is the easy part. Getting people to give you the chance to like you and want to stay with you is the hard part. As long as you make yourself look presentable and welcoming, people are going to want to know you. The initial things you do to start the relationship are for the most part inconsequential. When you get old enough to want more than tge physical, it's a different ball game.

    Anonymous July 26, 2017 7:14 pm

    You know the whole Plagiarizing thing and still getting a prize reminds me of the Hunger Games, the theme of fighting for your survival is exactly the same as Battle Royale. It's sad how so many people defend the author saying it was just a coincidence. At the end she didn't penalize for it instead her book got big, movies were made.. In the end she got lots and lots of money for "Originality". Sadly, Battle Royale a Japanese movie could have gone far but no one knew it existed until people starting complaining about it's similarities. What i am getting at is that is the reality of the situation, people get away with plagiarizing, become the next big thing. Aka the disney movie "Lion King" their is not damn way that this is in original story! but for the people who watched this first will say... It's just another coincidence.... Some people don't get caught and life their lives big, while those who may i say "Aren't smart" get punished for it. It's sucks how reality works, people can never come up with their own ideas. I've seen people in College who gradute with honers when some of their work is straight out copied, Honers and everything, arent school is the sane. Honesty this story is life in a nutshell, i guess originality is hard to come by.

    AyaTaKun July 26, 2017 7:27 pm

    You must be living in Disneyland friend

    Anonymous July 26, 2017 9:37 pm
    You know the whole Plagiarizing thing and still getting a prize reminds me of the Hunger Games, the theme of fighting for your survival is exactly the same as Battle Royale. It's sad how so many people defend t... @Anonymous

    LOL, sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not originality that sells, just the right mixture of the right ingredients, which are the same ingredients every writer's been using since the beginning of mankind. If you still think there's such a thing as originality in fiction, visit TVtropes and you'll see plain evidence that the same things keep getting repeated over and over...

    wow February 18, 2020 3:13 pm
    LET ME STATE THE GOOD OLD FACTS OF WAKING LIFE AS HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS :~1. IN THE REAL WORLD,Unless you copied the exact same thing, you wont get indicted with plagiarism.Just by changing a minute detail, you... AyaTan


    Aya Han March 14, 2020 12:10 am
    LET ME STATE THE GOOD OLD FACTS OF WAKING LIFE AS HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS :~1. IN THE REAL WORLD,Unless you copied the exact same thing, you wont get indicted with plagiarism.Just by changing a minute detail, you... AyaTan

    OH GOD I WISH I CAN UPVOTE YOUR REPLAY, what you said is right, some are really convincing, and that's the whole point, it's a realistic manhwa, and I know a little about Korean culture and that does happen for sure, but a guy as kind as yohan is really rare, so I like this manhwa so much and wish it would be appreciated more
    I support you, although it's three years later lol, thanks