Why leave so soon?
i love you soo much Sachiko-san !!! it's okay i understand.
By the way, i love your comments i find them very intelligent, realistic, and practical. i think you're very intelligent in real life.
Many people are hilariously infuriated by my comments.
I get a lot of foolish replies from people with feeble minds,
so i find your comments a breath of fresh air and a food for my soul.
Keep up those intelligent comments of yours !!! i reaallyy love reading them
To the translator/uploader:
Good job !!! We love you for all the chapters you have translated so far
What I love about this story is that the main character Semin is sooo natural, unassuming, and cute. I do not find anything creepy about his behaviour tho ... I mean in the real world everyone is literally inspired by everoyone. His fondness for John is like a child's admiration. I think that he just appreciate John and his art really well.