I am actually worried for Jiwook....

I love you.......ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Nooooooooooooooooooo What's the fuck are you doing Taemin ? Someone slap him in the face and tell him to hear his heart not his reason please Haribo I beg you

I am scared, I don't know what's to come.

Did Woojin let Jiwook enter his home ?
I remember what Woojin said in ch17 when the time comes and you still pretend to be Han Siwon even if it's painful I will let you go.

I hope Taemin's answer will be : you are an annoying bastard, a crazy fucker to me, you turn my life upside down, kiss me whenever you want, make a mess of me (turn gay) but I don't dislike what you are doing to me (yaoi feel) and I will swallow all you will give me so you have to take responsibility shithead

and promise me you will never abandon me again because if you do the one who will crumble will be Youn Taemin and not Min Woojin

Hmmm, let she say Taemin is unable to tell Woojin how he feels due to fear of abandonement. If Woojin then starts ignoring him due to Jiwook, this will only reinforce the idea that Woojin can leave him easily. And there will probably be a couple of chapters of angst. :/
But if he were able to defeat husband inner fears, I think the story would be able to progress. If not, it will probably just be Taemin being ignored by Woojin and then realizing gen doesn't care if he might be abandoned, he loves him too much.
For those who purchased the Korean raws and want to know what they say, I am sharing the English script for the latest chapter as translated by Google Translate (and reworded by me, DaisiesAndLilies). When the English version is released, I will delete this thread. Thank you for your understanding. This is not meant to be a substitute for the real thing, and seeing as how I speak no Korean whatsoever, this may (as in probably does) contain errors, so if you want to know what it says for sure, you should purchase the official translation when it is released.
JIWOOK: You're not Min Siwoon, are you?
Min Siwoon was the one I saw in that dark room that day.
That was him.
Didn't I tell you?
It would be in your best interest to forget what you saw.
**Mystery SFX**
JIWOOK: Do you think such a threat will still work?
In my hand, I hold the key to your undoing.
I have all the leverage here!
You cannot refuse me.
**Holds up picture**
Up 'til now, you've kept this perfectly hidden, haven't you?
**Mystery SFX. I'm thinking it's something along the lines of “smirk”**
WOOJIN: Are you prepared?
JIWOOK: ...What?
WOOJIN: I'm asking you if you're confident that you won't regret this.
Well, what about you? Are YOU confident that YOU won't regret doing this to me right now?
If your secret comes to light, it'll cause quite a stir.
To be honest, I hate doing this to you.
If you hadn't been interested in a certain someone, I wouldn't have gone this far.
So think this through, rationally.
I am the one who should be at your side.
Not him.
...I am painfully worried about you.
WOOJIN: Are you actually trying to feed me the bullshit idea that you are worried about me? While you spew words that prove otherwise?
And you brought this bomb to my own front door. (This made no sense in Google Translate. It's my best guess. This line is probably wrong.)
JIWOOK: ...I really didn't want to do this. I'm trying to achieve a better relationship with you!
But the more I try and the more I struggle, the more he sneaks in and steals everything away from me!
But I won't be the idiot doormat anymore.
Now, if he tries to take it all, I'll just take it right back.
He can't have everything for himself anymore.
No matter what...!!
WOOJIN: …...
I have no interest in your histrionic sob story.
JIWOOK: Oh, you'll find that you do.
...But first,
I want to talk inside.
So, can I come in?
**Mystery SFX**(I think it's the door swinging open...WTF WOOJIN?!)
**Mystery SFX**
~Flashbacks to sexy scene where Woojin unbuttoned his shirt and touched him~
TAEMIN: FUCK!! (The OCR couldn't recognize this writing, but I think this is a pretty safe guess based on the context, lol.)
OVALS: Crazy.
You've lost your mind, Yoon Taemin.
TEXT: No matter how you think and feel about that guy.
It doesn't matter.
TAEMIN THOUGHT BUBBLE: I'm seriously...going crazy...
TEXT: I am in love with Min Woojin...there is no doubt.
**Mystery SFX, but not so mysterious because his phone is obviously ringing**
**More mystery SFX. He reaches for his phone. He looks at it. We can probably wager a guess as to what they might be.**
TAEMIN THOUGHT BUBBLES: Who it is, at this hour...
**Mystery SFX**
OVALS: The timing...really...
Should I? Take it?
TAEMIN: What is it now?
TAEMIN: Min Siwoon?
WOOJIN: What I want to hear right now is not his name.
WOOJIN: You didn't finish what you were saying earlier, did you?
I haven't heard your response yet.
These feelings...are they to blame?
Are they the reason his voice is shaking?
TAEMIN: ...Are you okay? What happened with Han Jiwook?
WOOJIN: Don't change the subject.
TAEMIN THOUGHT BUBBLES: Seriously, I wonder what happened.
It's not like Woojin to be so nervous.
...like this.
If I run away...
TEXT BOXES: I'd rather take the gamble and tell him everything.
In the end, I want Min Woojin.
SPEECH BUBBLE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN: Are you really okay with this?
~And, the one speaking is...YOON TAEMIN! But it's not really him. Damn, I got my hopes up. It's all in Taemin's head. His body with Siwon in it didn't actually appear. Please excuse me while I sob for a few minutes before returning...~
FIGMENT TAEMIN: If you say it...
Do you think everything will magically get better?
Do you really know anything about him?
Are you going to accept everything when you know so little?
Do you think it'll be any different now than it was in the past?
FIGMENT CHILD TAEMIN: Hasn't it occurred to you that he'll throw you away, just like before?
This time...
Could you really take it if Min Woojin abandoned you again?