This is a lot like killing_stalking

KittyCat July 22, 2017 11:07 pm

This is a lot like killing_stalking in its twisted and fuck't up in a way but hooks u to read o and the best thing is In this manga the crazy main character is called SUNGHO and in killing stalking the main character is SHANGWOO like there both crazy and there names both start with an S and are similar(⊙…⊙ ). or is it just me who thinks its a bit like killing stalking? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    storytelling July 23, 2017 4:02 am

    while knee-jerk reaction is "this seems similar" there is only really one thing in common and that is a theme of "held captive by mysterious person" (which isn't a unique theme among story telling) other than that, there are way more differences than similarities. so the more I read it but see this "it's like killing stalking" the more I don't get where it's keeps coming from anymore.

    meh July 23, 2017 10:17 am

    tbh these comments about warehouse being the same as killing stalking is annoying =.= Dohyun and Yoon Bum are not in anyways similar and Sangwoo and Sungho are completely different people (pls note that Sangwoo suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder while Sungho might suffer from Obsession) and being held captive by a crazy guy is an old troupe in any genres

    Kitsune July 30, 2017 8:55 pm

    The events in the manga aren't the same ti killing stalking but i see how the violence and forced sexual actions are close to one another. Plus they both have backgrounds where the characters knew eachother before. Also the both get me to pumoed up, sitting at the edge of me seat!(≧∀≦)