At a point in time this used to be the yaoi I seemed to consider most gruesome or disturbi...

Yakuza_Yume July 22, 2017 8:19 am

At a point in time this used to be the yaoi I seemed to consider most gruesome or disturbing but now there is something that I can say is much more disturbing on way more levels:

This book just all bad it feels like it permanently engraved itself into my brain. I won'ton't stop anyone form reading just take this as a warning and to the person who was looking fora messed up story here you go

    Scrub September 5, 2017 3:44 am

    I don't want to see anymore.

    fluffy September 19, 2017 3:13 am

    Bruh, I feel like puking

    Mewzi October 3, 2017 7:12 am

    saw mpreg tag and noped out. that shit is way more disgusting than anything else that could have in it

    Kawaii_canteloupe November 16, 2017 8:05 am

    im just wondering what has to go through your head to make you create something like this.

    Dickun December 26, 2017 4:27 pm

    Fuck!! I read this shit somewhere before.. That was really sick and traumatizing for me.. Followed by the doujinshi of Yuri on ice where victor was drugged and amputated.. Fuck!! I just wish I can unsee what I saw.!!

    disparangel March 26, 2018 2:04 pm

    I've read some fucked up shit because hey, curiosity is a bitch sometimes (i.e Feeding Lamb). But this orc stuff shared in that link... I literally feel like scrubbing my eyeballs. Gore doesn't bother me too bad... but from now on, seriously gonna pay attention to the tags... mpreg and beast, no thank you. Gonna binge on some heavy duty fluff and love now lmao.