If someone broke my legs, I would never stay with them. No thanks.

~Cloyd~ July 22, 2017 5:40 am

If someone broke my legs, I would never stay with them. No thanks.

    Neko July 22, 2017 8:20 am

    That moment when people downvote. I rlly wanna ask, would they accept this kind of abusive relationship? He breaks your legs and you love him? Dude, have a sense of reality.

    ~Cloyd~ July 22, 2017 8:29 am
    That moment when people downvote. I rlly wanna ask, would they accept this kind of abusive relationship? He breaks your legs and you love him? Dude, have a sense of reality. Neko

    I know right xD Only sick people would like something like that.

    abumie July 22, 2017 6:44 pm
    That moment when people downvote. I rlly wanna ask, would they accept this kind of abusive relationship? He breaks your legs and you love him? Dude, have a sense of reality. Neko

    I about to ask the same thing. even this is fiction, but to agree to stay with a crazy man like sang woo is really BIG NO.

    League July 23, 2017 8:34 am
    That moment when people downvote. I rlly wanna ask, would they accept this kind of abusive relationship? He breaks your legs and you love him? Dude, have a sense of reality. Neko

    If i were Bum, i would bite his dick off.
    Dude, how'd you feel? Who's the boss now, hah? Yeah you hot. But no dick.

    To downvoters, stop wetting yourself over fictional character. Do something.

    brynn July 23, 2017 4:19 pm

    Well the difference between you and Bum is you're mentally stable, which he's not. So you can speak things really easy.

    Neko July 23, 2017 6:30 pm

    You can never be sure ^