I agree too ^_^ This story was so sweet! In a way I saw it as God forgiving Shimuzu. Because Masaki talked about seeing his halo and looking for his angel and never finding him before. In a way I think God had planned for them to be together from the start, and just had to work things funny until everyone was happy! :D

"The Lord works in mysterious ways." Though I don't, personally, hold any set religious belief, I still get the feeling that people are drawn and bonded to specific partner. There is controversial evidence of "influential" bonds in quantum atomic particles. I'm a science geek. LOL Anyway, if you bond the nuclei of two atoms and then separate them, the bond remains and can be observed by the "influence" the nuclei have on each other. For instance, if one is spinning clockwise, the other will also spin clockwise. If one loses an electron, the other discards an electron as well. In people, the "draw" that we feel towards those we consider our "other half" or "soul mate" COULD be due to this bond within the atoms of our bodies. Some researchers even go as far as to hypothesize that the bonds were created during the Big Bang. That would mean that "bonded" pairs of people have been together since the dawn of the universe and will remain until the end of time. (My romantic "slip" is showing. LMAO) But that is just a hypothesis that was raised by a few researchers and when I read it, it just clicked for me. Even if it turns out to be false, it's a pretty cool, and romantic, scientific reason for "attraction". LOL
Masaki started this story as an incubus. Incubi can't fall in love. When he fell in love with Shimuzu, he lost his position as an incubus and disappeared, but was reborn as a human. (God is generous in this story). When he is turned human, Masaki can't remember his past as an incubus like Shimuzu can as a fallen angel. Shimuzu remembers Masaki, he remembers his love for him, but he also remembers what he did to hurt him. This is why he pushes Masaki away at first. He doesn't want to hurt him again. Masaki misunderstands the rejection, thinking that Shimuzu did it because he misses the "other" Masaki. Shimuzu is also not entirely convinced that this person is his Masaki reborn. He still has love for him and wants to protect him, but he also wants some proof from this Masaki that the two Masaki's are the same soul. Then, Masaki makes it clear that he has no past memories before he met Shimuzu as his neighbor. Only with this proof is Shimuzu convinced that this Masaki and HIS Masaki are one and the same. When Shimuzu takes Masaki in his arms in the final frame, he has accepted that this Masaki is HIS Masaki.
At least, that is how I read and understood it.