Well fuck.

blue July 19, 2017 8:34 am

This thing has my brain so twisted up that I don't even know who is "good" and who is "bad" anymore. Obviously Sanwoo is a twisted motherfucker (hah) with a personality so fucked up that I really can't see him changing. So what if it turns out that he is really starting to see something in Bum that's not a reminder of his mother? His murderous passtimes and the psychological abuse are not going anywhere, and I won't even mention the physical abuse, that's so impregnated in this mahnwa that it's just not worth it. Bum, on the other hand, was abused so much, and by so many people, that I seriously doubt he is ever going to heal, and where does that leave him? He is not evil, but he is not exacly good either, is he? He's just seen so much shit and gone through so much that... I can't help but see him in a very gray light. Most likely, from here on is where we'll actually see his true character development, and it can only go so many ways. He will either realise how much of a victim he really is and seek help, or he will become even more suicidal because he can't see a way out or he starts belittling himself even more, OR he finally snaps and kills someone by his own free will, maybe even Sanwoo. And then there's the policeman. He will find out eventually, and he's clearly the catalizer here. But how will he affect the plot in the end? He really gives me the feeling that he's not completely sane either. Am I the only one? He might confront Sanwoo, but then what? He's basically on a solo mission here, the other policemen basically hate him and most likely won't believe him anyway, Sanwoo's cover is just too good. He might end up dead, or he might save Bum. But THEN what? There are just so many plotholes waiting to be filled yet that I can't see the full picture. And, really, THAT is what is so interesting about this story. It might give you bits and pieces, but it's never enough to actually predict its final piece.

    Some Sense July 19, 2017 8:52 am

    They are in the point of no return. I mean the three of them. At least one of them will be dead. Otherwise it will be too cliche. Seriously.
    Sangwoo need some jail time. Yoon bum need help from the mental institute. And the police, well... Alas he's doing his job. Good review btw.