I wonder what happened between Rogi and Akitora that in the future Rogi will do such horri...

Kate LeClair July 18, 2017 4:26 pm

I wonder what happened between Rogi and Akitora that in the future Rogi will do such horrible things to Akitora's son? Will it be revenge or smth? So curious.
And I hope Rogi will settle up with Hachi and finally be happy T_T These last two chapters were too painful for my heart T_T

    LessThanThree July 18, 2017 4:28 pm

    Wasn't revenge. He just wanted his attention.

    Huppyvirus July 18, 2017 6:59 pm

    Rogi, is just like the old man Handa-san said. He treats people like playthings and when reality hit him with akitora having a family he became really pathetic. Althouh Rogi feels lonely he's being kind of an asshole too towards other people

    Nene July 31, 2017 8:55 pm

    Perhaps it has smth to do with Akitora's wife's death? I mean It's Rogi after all I think he's capeable of it and a sever nut case.