the only possible outcome

love is love July 15, 2017 6:36 pm

i am not sure but i think the hole story will end up after they both are sent into some mental hospital and get help there and maybe return to be a normal civil (with observation) after some good years. i think this is the only solution cuz both of them need help only after they will get it they can maybe have some kind of a healthy relationship.

    pandaaAAAHH July 15, 2017 6:54 pm

    they are so far away from a healthy relationship that the light from healthy relationship's sun would take approximately never to reach them. this story isn't, and never was about how sangwoo & bum can create the world's most fucked up relationship and then somehow have a nice and peachy romance in the end lol

    love is love July 15, 2017 7:12 pm
    they are so far away from a healthy relationship that the light from healthy relationship's sun would take approximately never to reach them. this story isn't, and never was about how sangwoo & bum can crea... pandaaAAAHH

    well i did say maybe, I mean they both need help and all, and maybe after their mind is a bit more stable then they can have a relationship, but only after they got help and if they even want to

    pandaaAAAHH July 15, 2017 7:19 pm
    well i did say maybe, I mean they both need help and all, and maybe after their mind is a bit more stable then they can have a relationship, but only after they got help and if they even want to love is love

    it's nice to see people who want them to be able to find help and get better, but like i said, this isn't about happy endings. we've never seen this kind of story before, i would be very disappointing to see a vanilla ending after the ride we went through. also, there is no cure for psychopathy. no pill or therapy or vaccine can instill empathy xD

    RainbowNoseBleed July 15, 2017 7:29 pm
    they are so far away from a healthy relationship that the light from healthy relationship's sun would take approximately never to reach them. this story isn't, and never was about how sangwoo & bum can crea... pandaaAAAHH

    approximately never XDD If that isn't the perfect way to phrase it then i don't know what is XD

    love is love July 16, 2017 1:10 am
    it's nice to see people who want them to be able to find help and get better, but like i said, this isn't about happy endings. we've never seen this kind of story before, i would be very disappointing to see a ... pandaaAAAHH

    no cure but there is a therapy for it, after all, you don't throw an insane man to prison that needs help

    Jaz July 16, 2017 1:57 am
    no cure but there is a therapy for it, after all, you don't throw an insane man to prison that needs help love is love

    I think therapy might have been effective if Sangwoo were to receive it when he was much younger. At this point, I don't think therapy would help much.

    pandaaAAAHH July 16, 2017 2:38 am
    no cure but there is a therapy for it, after all, you don't throw an insane man to prison that needs help love is love

    jaz is right. there are several treatments that exist, but no known cases of complete effectiveness/beneficiality. therapy is more likely to help in adolescence, and sangwoo is far past that point in his life. medications can only be used to treat symptoms, i.e antidepressants, mood stabilizers (for aggression and impulsive actions and the like), etc. whether a psychopaths behavior is willful or a result of their (unclassified) personality disorder is unknown (which is relatively frightening considering how unexplored it still is, and also the fact that there is evidence that claims psychopathy can stem from birth). charming. cunning. shallow. social parasites. unlikely to give much thought to the idea of punishment or treatment. sangwoo no less. i think the only thing that can cure him is his death.

    RainbowNoseBleed July 16, 2017 2:48 am
    I think therapy might have been effective if Sangwoo were to receive it when he was much younger. At this point, I don't think therapy would help much. Jaz

    Exactly, I feel like Koogi was trying to give some of her fans a wake up call with this chapter. She's reminding us of Sangwoo's distorted personality and how he doesn't know how to deal with a lot of the emotions that he has.