Gay Crush

Regggaaaa July 13, 2017 2:35 pm

I probably had the longest crush I ever had, it's at the point I don't even think it's a crush anymore. I am 15 and bi, having a crush on my best friend, who is a guy and also bi. He best-friend zoned me more than twice and hurts my feelings multiple times. And yet, I still have a crush on him so bad. I felt he has been denying his sexuality for a while, he reminds me of me when I just can't believe that I am bi. Ik that this is just mere assumption, I have so many evidences to prove that he is bi, so don't argue with me on this part, he is absolutely bi. Anyway, I've been crushing him so bad and he always act all touchy touchy with me, which sometimes making me think that he also like a me. I am a person that usually don't develop crush, making this crush a very special one. Should I move on from him or nah?

    Anonymous July 13, 2017 2:55 pm

    Bi or not, that is something he has to decide and come to terms with himself, it's his journey to make whether you know for sure or not. Do not pressure him to come out even though you like him. If he's friend zoned you multiple times then he obviously is not ready to come out. If it hurts that much to stay by his side and support him through his self discovery then yes, I would say to move on for your own sake. Best wishes to you

    souzi July 13, 2017 3:06 pm

    Hi!! ^_^ from what you are saying I think he isn't quite ready to come out as bi ,so what I believe you should do (don't know if it's okay or not) tell him one last time you like him and if he still say no, I think you should move on and be by his side and help him with any difficulties he might face
    At least that's what I would do, I really really hope you will have the best outcome and if not just think that everything is happening for a reason!!
    I hope that I helped you in some way!! :) ^~^

    Your Average Chick July 13, 2017 5:19 pm

    As a fellow bi person I think we take what people do kind of the wrong way? Or think it means more than what it does just because we're so open to both genders. So if he does something nonchalantly I don't think he means much by it. And if he's friend zoned you more than once I think he might be set on staying friends but, if you haven't had a real conversation with him about it you'll never know. Confronting someone is hard and if you need support or whatever feel free to reach out.