
kim.taehyung July 8, 2017 10:35 pm

Surprisingly a lot of people here are justifying Sungho's actions towards Dohyun. Nothing can justify rape and that's that. Dohyun was an asshole and if what Sungho says really happens my sympathy for him my be reduced however it still doesn't condone what he has been through. But am I the only who feels like something just doesn't add up. We can infer that Dohyun lost his memory from that accident or he has Prosopagnosia judging from the first chapter. But something just doesn't add up about the past. Also was I the only one who caught those men saying the Sungho has an illness?

    mori July 8, 2017 11:07 pm

    You're not the only one, it's just - there isn't too many of us and what we have is just theories so far. nothing is confirmed yet but very suspicious.

    pokopori July 9, 2017 7:40 pm

    Absolutely agree with you. I'm hoping this manhwa has more depth than just the surface revenge rape (and it seems like it does... very promising). I feel like something is off with Dohyun and his inability to recall something this significant from his past. Also yeah... that comment about Sungho. Can't wait until the next chapter! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Anonymous July 11, 2017 10:39 pm

    Yeah you are right Sungho's action towards Dohyun cannot be justified . Even if Dohyun was a douche in the past still the method of taking revenge is wrong . Maybe he could have beaten the crap out of Dohyun but instead he raped him !! Damn I wish to see them separated or else it will be too cliche for a happy ending !! I mean come on seeing how much Dohyun hates Sungho's love seems impossible .