Well, chun sam is barely an adult mentality wise... so I understand his behaviour as I can relate with min gyom.

well I mean Min Gyum has been an asshole to Sam the whole series. Always making super bad rash decisions and then making Sam fix the mistakes and just take all the shit Min makes him go through. Its not really Sam's fault he is tired that Min is always doubting him, making him feel like he is not enough and always make him take every bad decision Min does and just power through even though Min never listens to him or what he says. Now that Sam is distancing himself from Min , he is starting to realize how much shit Sam had to put up with and sacrifice to put Min first and for him to be his center of attention always. Min is always doing shady stuff to Sam and he never says anything (when he was sitting with the guys that were flirting with him while cross dressing is an example)because he trusts him but Sam hasnt even done anything wrong and Min is always telling him and implying he is a jerk and will break up with him. Im actually glad that Sam stood up for himself.Sorry this turned into a rant but I really don't side with Min in this argument. I think he is pretty selfish most of the time.

You have a point. I mean I also hate Min for always doing rush decisions, especially when he slept with that guy after he was rejected by Sam... like in just one day it all happened, but in the situation right now, it was also his own rushed and bad decisions that made him act and think like that. He knows himself that what he had done and he's doing is hurting Sam, so he thinks that he doesn't deserve happiness, he doesn't deserve Sam. He's in that point where he doesn't want Sam to leave him but he's preparing himself if ever Sam should leave him and he thinks that's okay, he thinks that that thinking won't hurt Sam. He literally have 0% confidence in himself because of his past decisions and because of literally everything about himself, and you're right about Min implying that Sam is a jerk. He is blaming himself but he's also blaming others and that's why they should communicate with each other. When Min spoke up and told Sam everything, Sam should've properly conveyed his feelings to clear up everything because what only Min needs is for Sam to confirm that he'll never leave Min, but what the heck did he do? He just said "Got it" *triggered again* but well I also understand Sam's feeling, his brain and thinking is literally not that developed yet because of his own situation when he was a kid... so like.... I just pray to the yaoi gods to clear up the mess and give them a happy life...
But seriously, if you're dealing with someone with a depression, you really need like the most longest patience ever. Like you have to understand why they think that, why they feel like that even though you're already doing your best for them. Dealing with someone with depression is a looooong journey of understanding and patience. I hope Min and Sam could get through this.

I sympathize with Min because he obviously suffers anxiety. Remember he has been abandoned before by someone he truly came to like and ended up trashing his heart, that's why he is scared of Chun Sam breaking up with him, he's anxious. I understand him because I am exactly the sams, he made a simple question and Sam, out of sillyness perhaps, said he liked him for his blood. Saying something like that to a person with anxiety and abandonment issues are just not good, it's the same as saying they are not important at all and right therr is when our mind starts making up those crazy and sad stories and the are so hurtful that we believe they're true and we ended up acting just like Min did and some of us even worse.
Chun Sam is a kid at mind kinda not so at heart and loves Min to boot yet he doesn't understand fully to Min's state of mind.
Hence, it's not really Min's fault for him acting like that it's just his mind playing dirty tricks to him.
As someone who have mental illness, I am pissed off and annoyed with the seme. I think he's such an asshole for not saying anything about his own feeling when the uke find the courage to say his. Although, it's totally normal for "normal" person like seme not to completely understand why uke is thinking or feeling like that, but that's why he should've communicate with uke properly. It's not that easy for uke to open up like that, and what? SEME FRICKIN ANSWERED WITH ONLY HIS IMAGINATION AND NOW HE'S ACTING LIKE IT'S THE UKE'S FAULT WHEN I CAN COMPLETELY SEE THAT UKE TRIED TO COMMUNICATE. ASSHOLE. ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS TO SPEAK UP SO UKE WILL GAIN HIS CONFIDENCE EVEN A LITTLE BIT AGAIN.
Wow, I'm totally ranting. I'm sorry. I'm so triggered.