
what i got from the story is that the creepy kid was trying to turn the kids into bullies. cuz at the end when he was done with them they turned on the girl who left...
he moved onto the next grp of kids. and he wasnt just annoying he was provoking them. so i dont think that the author tried to make the victim look as if he deserved it.. maybe he was just evil person. if u look at 'bullying' as a virus he was walking around and spreading it on purpose...
I felt sorry for the kid at first, but now he's just annoying. I don't know what the author is aiming for anymore. Are we supposed to think "Wow, someone please bully that annoying kid!"? I get sick of Japanese authors portraying victims as deserving of being victimized. Like, they have to explain WHY someone ia victimized over and over and how they need to personally grow in order to not be victimized anymore. Or, is the author aiming for something entirely different? I haven't made my mind up about this.