I am just going to say this one thing. Please stay with me til the end I live in a small ...

Anonymous July 5, 2017 9:49 pm

I am just going to say this one thing. Please stay with me til the end

I live in a small town with only 2 libraries, and unfortunately they only have one copy of my favorite author's book (Tom Robbins, if anyone would like to check him out I suggest 'Still Life With Woodpecker', 'Jitterbug Perfume' is good too).
That being said the library paid for 1 (one) book, the author received royalties off of that 1 (one time) book sale. If I go and check out that book 50 times and return it on time not one person has made a profit, if I turn the book in late I pay $.25 (twenty five cents) fine and that money goes to the library. If 50 different people check the same book out (at different times) and return it on time, again not one person made a profit. If those 50 turn the book in late they pay the late fees and that money goes to the library. The author should have 50 sales of his book, but he only got the one. The library system is completely legal.

So what is the difference in this site and a library?

One person goes and buys a manga, translates it and uploads it for everyone to read, the mangaka got the royalties off the one sale.

I support when and where I can, but sometimes I cant and I read on sites like this one and mrm. Not every manga I read here is sold where I live, I understand that and I am sure that the artists understand that when they might not even market their mangas for international sales.
And I do support Tom Robbins, I have bought SLwW 3 times (1st, a friend borrowed it and never returned, 2nd got lost in a move, and 3rd I still have but my cat clawed the cover and first few pages. That was when I started to check it out from the library) I still plan to buy it again.

Thank you for reading this dumb rant or whatever you would call it

    fifi ^^ July 5, 2017 10:16 pm

    That was a really nice example ^^

    Anonymous July 5, 2017 10:35 pm

    A lot of our ideas about ownership and copyright were formed before the internet was something that can even be considered. Yes, we all accept the existence of libraries and the right to borrow, give, and sell physical copies of books and comics--but I doubt authors who are okay with libraries would be happy if you printed off ten thousand copies of their books and gave them away to whoever wanted one. It's a massive difference of scale.

    Morality can get complicated. I don't feel a bit of guilt about reading manga that's long out of print or will never be licensed in my language illegally. Everyone has to figure these things out for themselves. Just remember that whatever you're reading and enjoying was created by another human being.

    Sorami July 6, 2017 1:31 am

    The difference between manga sharing sites and a library is:

    1. Libraries don't profit off of loaning books. Governments or private companies subsidize the establishment but legally a library cannot charge you for borrowing books. Libraries operate on an honour system; you promise not to copy the books, damage them or return them late and you can always return to borrow or renew books as you please. The late fee is more of a penalty to ensure honest behaviour/ help offset the cost of replacing books that get damaged or stolen. If you don't return a book you loan the worst thing that can happen is you don't get to borrow a new one.

    Manga sharing sites usually have ads on them which doesn't profit the manga creators. There aren't any guidelines to stop anyone from downloading mangas from one site and reuploading them to another site or device. Libraries legally purchase books but there isn't any gaurentee that mangas hosted on sharing sites were legally bought. (Naturally, somoene along the line legally bought the manga but there is no way to prove that every single site hosts a legally bought copy.)

    2. Libraries have restrictions on their books. The first restriction being a time limit. If you borrow a book, you're expected to return it within two or three weeks. If you borrow an electronic book, it usually automatically deletes itself from your device after the allotted time. Some libraries also have a limit to the number of books you can borrow at once or even which books can and cannot be taken out the library (or even specific sections library). Hell! Some books you actually need a valid reason and written consent from authorities in order to read the book.

    Manga sharing sites don't do this. As long as you have access to the site you can read any manga they have at any time for as long as you want. At most, some sites ask you to sign in to prove your age but there aren't any blockades stopping you from reading anything hosted on the site.

    Everyone has their reasons for being here or on any manga sharing site but at the end of the day it is something illegal and created have the right to take actions should they chose to do so. Being here, reading mangas without paying isn't any different than illegally downloading music or movies on pirating sites. It isn't any different than say, walking into a museum and stealing a work of art.

    At the end of the day, naturally if somoene made something they'd want to be paid for the labour and for whatever reason, people will always find a way not to pay.

    fifi ^^ July 6, 2017 4:37 am

    You rae right too (⊙…⊙ )