
cherryberry July 18, 2017 2:28 am

have the author given up on this manga or what , i am feeling sad how from around 30 pages it has turned to 17 pages ....and they are saying its going to continue on 8.28.2017....but i don't think so because not matter which manga i wait for it never gets updated like until 1 to 2 weeks after or sometimes even months .... not author problem if he has lost interest but what about me and the fellow fujoshis who eagerly wants to see an happy ending for both of them....

i hope author would continue and if there are raws please sub them even if u take weeks please..

sorry not trying to disrespect anyone ..just this manga is my top 3 favorites..

sorry to all who thinks i disrespected sensei but i did not ... i am not rude or spoiled or anything .... u all just know me by my name and decided to think i am the one wrong by only seeing her side of the story... i did not mean to disrespect her i just wouldn't be able to see the manga or anything in the next 2 to 3 years... i will be marrying a man who is going to take my freedom since my family is a religious family i don't think i will be able to watch normal manga alone the yaoi .....i was just hoping that since the start of the manga i have been a fan and have daily watched it so just got emotional ....well sorry to all and bye bye since will be deleting the account in the next 4 to 5 months...... ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

i live with my brother and there is no female in the house maybe that is why my words may sound rude.. i have always talked like this and brothers also talk like this so sorry for the rudeness...

and i seriously know how hard it is to draw manga .... i love them that doesn't mean i don't appreciate the author.. and what i wrote was what i wanted to express .... i guess writing couldn't express my words properly... i am sorry..

    you disrespectful fuck July 5, 2017 9:48 pm

    for fuck sake, why dont you stop this ungratefulness. Do you know how hard it is to draw a manga by yourself?? And have you ever stopped and thought about the person drawing this manga isnt a robot or your slave. where do you get off with your stupid entitled bullshit.??? fuck off

    Anonymous July 5, 2017 10:03 pm

    You say that you don't want to disrespect anyone, cherryberry. Yet that is exactly what you have done. I can only agree with the post above me. You are spoiled, ungrateful, rude, disrespectful and entitled. You claim this is one of your top three stories. Yet you don't even know that "he" is a she and what the mangaka's name is or what she has been going through. You don't pay for any of this, you read it for free (illegally). But instead of being grateful to the sensei and the scanlation group all you do is whine, bitch and complain. I find people like you truly pathetic.

    LadyLigeia July 5, 2017 10:17 pm

    Oh, my. There's no need to be this rude. ( ̄∇ ̄") It's enough to say the story is updated every two months and that the mangaka has a slow pace since she doesn't have assistants.

    Romanceisdead69 July 5, 2017 10:21 pm

    I don't understand what you really want from this post. Yes it will continue on 28/8 - release date for the magazine in Japan - and yes of course we'll have to wait for a translation to be posted on these illegal sites after that. You feel like we're entitled to more?

    Sensei (like most Manga-ka) is under a lot of pressure and works herself to exhaustion, she works at the pace that allows her to produce the best work for us (which we are pirating, illegally on this site - when yeah, more of us could do more to support her!)
    After the death of her father and illness years ago her work has not been the same. It is incredibly hard to get motivation for creativity when you are going through a hard time in your life and to be honest, she has no obligation to do any of it anyway - she is an artist, not a civil servant.

    She is giving us the gift of Yaoi and we are lucky enough to get to see it, lets be grateful for what we can get. You can also keep up to date quite easily on the manga releases that you are expecting, follow the scanlation groups - this is all very doable to make the wait time a little easier. You can also see on Sensei's Twitter that she is practically always drawing...

    tokidoki July 5, 2017 10:25 pm
    Oh, my. There's no need to be this rude. ( ̄∇ ̄") It's enough to say the story is updated every two months and that the mangaka has a slow pace since she doesn't have assistants. LadyLigeia

    Actually, LadyL I believe she has two assistants, but she also publishes Crimson Spell every two months. Drawing does take a long time though, and I think the assistants just add the tones and some of the background. (there was a photo of sensei with her assistants somewhere on this site)
    And @CherryBerry, the scanlation group does a great job getting this cleaned and translated - on a volunteer basis - each time they get a hold of the scans, so don't be so bloody ungrateful!

    Romanceisdead69 July 5, 2017 10:29 pm
    Actually, LadyL I believe she has two assistants, but she also publishes Crimson Spell every two months. Drawing does take a long time though, and I think the assistants just add the tones and some of the backg... tokidoki

    You just gave me a great idea! I am currently shopping for a new career - it is now my ambition to become Sensei's #3 assistant! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ watch this space!

    I can focus on un-censoring the censorables! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    tokidoki July 5, 2017 10:44 pm

    Yaayyy! I am redrawing my fave images and taking out the text boxes, but I have yet to redraw any naughty bits.

    If anyone wants to see I am on tumblr [email protected]

    LadyLigeia July 5, 2017 10:48 pm
    Yaayyy! I am redrawing my fave images and taking out the text boxes, but I have yet to redraw any naughty bits.If anyone wants to see I am on tumblr [email protected] tokidoki

    Please, take your time to redraw the invisible private parts, my friend. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    LadyLigeia July 5, 2017 10:49 pm
    Actually, LadyL I believe she has two assistants, but she also publishes Crimson Spell every two months. Drawing does take a long time though, and I think the assistants just add the tones and some of the backg... tokidoki

    Ah, ok. I thought she had help only sporadically. ^_^

    tokidoki July 5, 2017 10:51 pm
    Please, take your time to redraw the invisible private parts, my friend. (▰˘◡˘▰) LadyLigeia

    I will do my best! But it is soooo hard. O.O

    tokidoki July 5, 2017 10:52 pm
    Ah, ok. I thought she had help only sporadically. ^_^ LadyLigeia

    I don't think they are full time employees - but two mangas is a lot of precision drawing.

    LadyLigeia July 5, 2017 11:02 pm
    I will do my best! But it is soooo hard. O.O tokidoki

    Follow their example


    Page 17 and 20. XD

    tokidoki July 5, 2017 11:42 pm
    Follow their examplehttps://tumangaonline.com/lector/Youre-my-loveprize-in-viewfind/14340/45.00/1250Page 17 and 20. XD LadyLigeia

    But it looks fake! Have a peek at my redraws, it is very hard to tell where I put in my edits

    LadyLigeia July 5, 2017 11:46 pm
    But it looks fake! Have a peek at my redraws, it is very hard to tell where I put in my edits tokidoki

    I know it looks a bit fake, Toki, but for a hungry Finder fan it's better than nothing, you know. ^^'
    Yours are way better, my friend.^^

    tokidoki July 5, 2017 11:53 pm
    I know it looks a bit fake, Toki, but for a hungry Finder fan it's better than nothing, you know. ^^'Yours are way better, my friend.^^ LadyLigeia

    This is what a bad job is, but I had an emergency request for a neko Yuuto (from Deadlock) LMAO http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/1722182/
    I will try, but they need to look pretty good before I post them O.O

    LadyLigeia July 5, 2017 11:56 pm
    This is what a bad job is, but I had an emergency request for a neko Yuuto (from Deadlock) LMAO http://www.mangago.me/home/photo/1722182/I will try, but they need to look pretty good before I post them O.O tokidoki

    Ok, Toki, and biiiiiig, too. XD XD XD

    tokidoki July 6, 2017 12:07 am
    Ok, Toki, and biiiiiig, too. XD XD XD LadyLigeia

    'K. Don't suppose you have Photoshop you could 'lend' me? Using MS paint is pretty limiting hehehe

    tokidoki July 6, 2017 1:01 am
    'K. Don't suppose you have Photoshop you could 'lend' me? Using MS paint is pretty limiting hehehe tokidoki

    Here, m'LadyL - just finished this bit of smut http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/1724873/

    LadyLigeia July 6, 2017 1:07 am
    'K. Don't suppose you have Photoshop you could 'lend' me? Using MS paint is pretty limiting hehehe tokidoki

    Sadly, I don't have photoshop. :(

    LadyLigeia July 6, 2017 1:07 am
    Here, m'LadyL - just finished this bit of smut http://www.mangago.me/home/photo/1724873/ tokidoki

    This is fantastic, Toki! XD XD XD