idol/acting manhwa recs!!!
Is there any recommendations for any genre that has a good pace? I would li...
Any angsty bls where one of them is cheating???
Seme's POV
Uh too lazy to read give me angst anime or just any type of anime but under...
omegaverses with babies
Is there a way i can search book im currently wanting to read this book but...
Looking for manga Yaoi
Lowest rated manga, manhwa or manhua?
Anything similar to Black Mirror?
SoMetiMes I DoNt eVEn KnOw wHy Do i hAve tO sPenD mY mOnEy if I cAn ReAd iT fOr frEe, bUt Of coURse I tRy tO reSisT tHaT tEmptAtiOn. LOl"