Important read to truly understand

kodamarama July 5, 2017 1:04 am

"Feilong had seen the bond between Asami and Akihito, which was so strong that no one could sever it. However, what had swayed Feilong’s heart the most was Asami’s true intention when he had made him lower his weapon – not the intention to kill him, but to leave him alive. It was not scornful pity that had prompted Asami to do it. No matter how much Feilong had thought about it, he had not been able to get behind the reason why, and when Asami himself had told him, it was as if the evil spirit which had possessed Feilong had suddenly disappeared. For the first time it had dawned on him then that it had been nothing but his delusions which had driven him to chase Asami."~~Finder No Rakuin

    kodamarama July 5, 2017 1:05 am

    "He had wished for someone he could walk through this dark world hand in hand with. He realized that this was also the reason why he had always longed for Asami, although he had hated him at the same time, and why he had been rejected by him."

    "Asami desired a person who was living far away from the underworld. Takaba Akihito. What Asami now had been able to win for himself and what Feilong yet wanted to win for himself were opposites. Through the darkness and the conflicting feelings Feilong had been carrying inside him, he had involved people who otherwise did not have anything to do with the criminal world, and blood had been shed unnecessarily."

    "When he thought about it now, he realized that the whole affair must have been a distressful trauma for Akihito, and in spite of that, he had not let that get him down and had forgiven Feilong for his actions. Eventually, Akihito had even protected him from Asami and jumped in front of his gun. Feilong had seen how Asami embraced Akihito, and the sight had elicited a mixed feeling of defeat and understanding. He had not been able to do anything about it. At that very moment, his heart had frozen. Asami had directed the gun at him, yet Feilong had not defended himself but rather just stood there. Maybe it had been an act of desperation. He had not cared if Asami were to kill him at that point. Had Akihito not returned the deeds of ownership, he would have lost the reason to draw a line under the matter. What would have happened with him then?"~~Finder No Rakuin

    kodamarama July 5, 2017 1:10 am

    Even Feilong does not want anymore Asami. He knows Asami never love him and he never love Asami really. Time to stop fighting everyone.

    LF July 5, 2017 1:15 am

    So I know the step, Feilong has gone further has realized that he chased an image of Asami, an obsession, the fear of staying alone. Asami wants Akihito and rejects Feilong in HL and NT because he does not want to be a mafioso.

    LF July 5, 2017 1:18 am

    Even in the manga, it is understood that Fei's love is strange, is a mixture of passion, love of a son for his father, fraternal love, friendship ... let's remember what Fei says, "Will you love me in the place of my father?"

    LF July 5, 2017 1:32 am

    When did you finish, do you tell me what do you think about Fei / yoh and the constant confrontation that Feilong does between Asami and Yoh?

    shouichi July 5, 2017 4:19 am

    Can you give us a quote about akihito is asami's first love?

    Reality bites July 5, 2017 5:35 am

    Thank you for posting this. Feilong's own thoughts on the subject. I have seen FNR quoted often here by ppl. who said they've read it, this never came up. I have never read it myself. I don't think it will stop this they are willing to push aside the story facts to keep this going. Thanks for trying.

    AA July 5, 2017 6:05 am
    Can you give us a quote about akihito is asami's first love? shouichi

    He is. No doubt :D

    diana July 5, 2017 7:18 am