Asami-sama looks like he misses Aki!

chibirawr July 3, 2017 8:05 am

Awwwwww!! I love how when Feilong mentions why Asami didn't bring Akihito along, Asami looks PISSED. Like, "My separation from my Aki is a sore subject that I don't like bringing up." AHHH ITS TOOOO CAUUTE!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ <3 <3 <3
Remember how he couldn't stand being away from Aki for a few days? And now it's been god knows how many weeks. I can anticipate SO MUCH HOTNESS COMING!! I'm talking post-Hong Kong level of love. (≧∀≦)

    Yuki Asena July 3, 2017 8:41 am

    I totally agree

    Romanceisdead69 July 3, 2017 9:01 am

    If there isn't at least Asami/Akihito phone sex in the next chapter I don't know what I'll do. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Anonymous July 3, 2017 9:34 am
    If there isn't at least Asami/Akihito phone sex in the next chapter I don't know what I'll do. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ Romanceisdead69

    Do it in our's the last resort

    Romanceisdead69 July 3, 2017 11:35 am
    Do it in our's the last resort @Anonymous

    With so many of us thinking and hoping this phone sex thing will happen and yes due to the convenient placing of the phone with Asami; I fricking hope it's a sign that Sensei may have already planned it out (because Asami, Akihito and we as fans are simply so damn starved of sexy fun times with our boys.)

    Seriously, Asami practicing some 'self love?' - I mean, how beautiful would that be?! - holy shit balls this fandom would LOSE IT'S FREAKING MIND!!!!!!!!! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ oh goodness pppllllleeeeeeeaaaaassssseeee Sensei please!