Okay I think some people might be confused. I am NOT saying that the father was being intentionally abusive. I'm simply pointing out why I find it abusive. Even parents aren't perfect but that's what everybody else seemed inclined to have me believe and that there was NO room for the father to improve his behavior. That's it, that's all I'm trying to say.

Please, stop. I am not confused. Nor have I ever implied or stated what you said or didn't say. Do not put words in my mouth.
I merely acknowledged that there are readers who might feel Maki's actions were highhanded, and stated my opinion that Maki is not an abusive father at all and his actions were justified.
Which brings me to the next point: as one of "everybody else" I am not inclined to have you believe one thing or another. It simply isn't important enough to me. I am not interested in converting people to my point of view, but I insist on the right to having one and voicing it.
I read the comments and there seems to be a lot of heat. I can see both sides of the argument, and understand why people might resent Maki for being ... highhanded? ... Especially testing Tatsumi out a second time. But then, gosh, this is a single father raising Ritsu all by himself. There is nobody for him to turn to, even to pick up Ritsu and make him supper when he has to work late or gets stuck in traffic. My heart goes out to him. Besides, the first night, when he heard Tatsumi's story, he learned why Tatsumi was reluctant to get involved with a father/child family, not if Tatsumi could actually be depended on if Ritsu was left in his care. If it was my kid, I would test and test and test, and even then, I would keep half an eye on things. But I have kids