
Houdoulou July 2, 2017 7:09 pm

The first of properly translated Warehouse chaptershas been reuploaded at better quality. See Chapter 14 again. Thanks again to Yukio Takamiya and Fantranslator to all of their hars work.

    Yukio Takamiya July 2, 2017 10:39 pm

    Thank you so much for your hard work!^^ I've read the chapter and I must say that you're doing pretty well for a novice. It's not easy cleaning and typesetting. I doubt the readers would actually go back to read the chapter since they've passed it but I'm sure future viewers would appreciate your efforts. Once again, thank you for taking time to improve the scan quality.^^

    Anonymous July 3, 2017 12:34 pm

    It looks great! Thanks so much.