I am so sorry your parents said such a horrible thing. Look, it's their fault, not yours. They had sex (probably without protection) and they chose to get married, so if they are gonna blame someone for how their life went, it's all on them. You always were the innocent stuck in that middle, the cihld whose life should have been seen as a precious gift. They should have stopped to thank God for you.
It's a sad thing when people can't be illuminated enough to own their actions and respect new life. Children are not burdens--they are blessings. So, think of that. You're a blessing they simply were too immature to recognize. And be happy, yes?
I hate it when parents think that they can be forgiven for whatever they do just as long as they show a little bit of love or care to their children at the end of the day but what I hate more is that we do forgive them as yes because they are our parents and no matter what they do, we would always forgive them because we live them so much.
I have my parents shouting right in front of my face that they never wanted me as I am a child born before marriage which is like the whole reason on why they got married so when I heard them say that it was just a blow to my mind and that caused me depression and led me to suicidal thoughts where in the end of the day to keep myself living say "jokes on them for giving birth to me"
In this story, the mom just turns her back and distances herself from chiyoko which caused chiyoko to seem so cold and in the end the mother does one thing that made it seem like she cared for chiyoko and the same goes for the dad but in the end chiyoko forgives them because they are her parents and we often love our parents too much