I think there isnt any comic ver but i give u the link of the original chinese novel anyway

In fact the original story was BL, this one was a copy of the original, the reason they know more about this one is because a no-BL novel was better accepted than a BL novel...
I heard that this author has been making the life of the BL author a nightmare, she even admitted once she wrote as a copy of the BL one (something she denied today)...
It is not the first time things like this happens, a really good yaoi mangaka had to stop drawing because another mangaka, daughter of a famous person, copied her work... she sued but lost because the other mangaka had her family power behind her and because BL is seen as not as important nor good as no BL mangas and novels...
Also BL novels are under a lot of presure by censorship so they don't get to the same amount of people than no-BL novels!!!
the original story are bl is that true anyone give me link pls