how is she fucking racist? she just said that if u are able to buy ie not livung in a third world country try to buy the chapter,u fucking dumbass

Yeah well, other people would call it sarcasm.

If it's sarcasm it's racist sweetcheeks. But you don't seem to read very well anyway it seems. So sad that an illiterate SEEMING but obviously very privileged person is waving their privilege around like a flag for everyone to see. You see the TRANSLATOR THEMSELVES said that people are unable to purchase online content even IF they live in countries that are wealthy due to such content being BANNED in their countries. They mentioned the UAE SPECIFICALLY. They ALSO mentioned that some people ARE unable to afford to even spare a dollar to purchase items such as these. Given that the majority of the poorest people tend to be black or that the majority of people who come from third world countries ARE persons of color, denying that people DO live in these circumstances IS CLASSIST AND RACIST. OOOOOOPPPPPPPPSSSSSSS?

It wasn't sarcasm. Read other peoples posts next time before using misogynistic language that proves you are a hypocrite. It makes it look like you think sexism is acceptable which makes us think that racism is just a disguise for something else? Oops?
After all, the translator already said that it is difficult for some people to afford to purchase items like these ON THESE VERY COMMENT THREADS earlier. Ktbn.

You're really reaching there

WHY is denying other people's circumstances racist? Because you're BELITTLING any suggestion that people may have a legitimate reason for not being able to read this on paid sites. And BY belittling it you are claiming that only those who CAN pay for it should be able to read it. So you ARE saying that poor persons of color should NOT be able to read. Poor little classist racist eh? Not.

I didn't say anything about race. "Living in a shack" is a figure of speech. I also never said i was female, or white. You assumed that. Who is the real racist here?

Uhm, that was for the SJW aka the OP.
Sarcasm in that way used to mock those guys who have the access for purchase and are able to buy useless and unneccesary shit here and there everyday but are whining permanently in such a audacious way about payment to support the artist(s). That's at least how I interpreted the translators text. To get a little to them. Therefor the exaggarated speech = figure of speech like she/he just said. Didn't get where the racist thing came from. Didn't see anything racist in this and I'm a person who is highly sensitized for such stuff.

Do you a third eye that can see invisible text? Clarify which part of what the translators said is racist. Or do you not understand english?

lol u tryna preach when u just sound dumb,sarcasm doesnt indicate racism and there is legitimate reason as to why the comic isnt available in certain country which got nothing to do with race for example UAE is a country that strictly ban homosexuality so why do u think they would let a bl manhwa available for reading? And honestly what does blacks being poor have anything to do with denying their rights to buy????? most black live in a country where it is available for them to read this??? So pls get ur facts straight bfr u tryna sound smart.
First time reading the translator shit and shes a rascist xD what an asshole, fuck u bitch xD