Sexual coercion=/=sexual abuse

Koenigsbrd June 29, 2017 5:57 am

To explore a little bit of young Dohyun's reasonings... He found in Sungho a desperate boy with whom he could explore his sexuality. I still think for all his fooling around with girls, he's also into boys but won't openly show it (perhaps even has internalised homophobia? Hints of homophobia on 1st chapter). On the other hand Sungho was lonely and even if he liked Dohyun like that, he wasn't comfortable with sexual situations, but didn't know how else to tie Dohyun to him.

So what young Dohyun did was, in my opinion, sexual coercion and Sungho felt dirty because of it, but still consented due to desperation. Eh, I'd say it falls into a grey area of consent? But sexual coercion isn't the same as outright sexual abuse... Which is what Sungho is doing. So even if you don't sympathise with Dohyun, don't say he deserves it .__. Yeah he was an asshole but not a rapist, and he was just a high schooler back then.

    Anonymous June 29, 2017 6:06 am

    Rape does not have to occur for sexual abuse to take place.

    Koenigsbrd June 29, 2017 6:09 am

    Btw I just read sexual coercion is a form of abuse but I still don't think the situations quite compare? They had a fucked up relationship from the beginning tho, for sure. But I do think we could find the reasoning behind it. Now the current reasoning for what Sungho is doing is just... Not normal (=・ω・=)U he's messed up.

    Anonymous June 29, 2017 6:30 am

    It wasnt sexual coercion.Dohyun didnt blackmail him or force him,Sungho did it because he liked Dohyun and wanted to please him desperately.but he didnt like the sexual encounters or was hesitant about it,but then again he never voiced that sentiment to Dohyun because he knew if he did,Dohyun would leave him and just find someone else.

    Dohyun was selfish yes but he wasnt a rapist,he didnt abuse,blackmail or force Sengho to have sex with him.

    Sorami June 29, 2017 6:38 am

    Sexual coercion can be sexual abuse but I agree. People should stop saying Dohyun deserves what he got. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    If Sungho really wanted justice he should have gone to law enforcement and used the right channels. If he wanted to come to terms with what happened to him, he should have gone to a psychologist. All Sungho is doing is scarring another person.

    While one could debate whether or not what Dohyun did is legal or not, what Sungho is doing is definitely illegal. I can definitely see Sungho going to jail at the end of this manga.

    Mindy June 29, 2017 6:42 am
    Btw I just read sexual coercion is a form of abuse but I still don't think the situations quite compare? They had a fucked up relationship from the beginning tho, for sure. But I do think we could find the reas... Koenigsbrd

    The problem with "coercion" (with or without sex involved) is that it's also a legal term, in many countries, defining a specific type of criminal offense.
    I think what you mean is "blackmail" as opposed to "coercion", where coercion is the legal term. "Sexual coercion" is sometimes likened to "sexual extortion" or "sextortion":
    Anyway, if you're really interested in the difference between these terms, I've just found an interesting article:

    manganiME June 29, 2017 1:39 pm

    Dohyng did not rape. He didn't even coerce, really. If you say, do this or I'm outta here, it's just making a statement of what you want. If the other person wants to do it or not, is up to them. If I say to someone, "Look, I don't really wanna be your friend, other than hooking up"--not that I would ever say that--and the other person is so hung up on me that they go along with the hooking up even if they want more and *I* am not willing to give it, that's on them. They decided to go ahead for their own reasons, though it was clear they were not gonna get what they wanted.

    Dohyun may have been insensitive, but he wasn't criminal.

    What Sungho is doing is criminal. It's evil. It's vicious. It's WRONG down to the ground. He's a villain. I don't much give a shit about his trauma at thish point. It's not a proportional vengeance. (Well, at least with what is shown so far from the past.) He's demented and he should be locked up in a mental institution or in a prison.

    Dorky June 29, 2017 2:16 pm
    Dohyng did not rape. He didn't even coerce, really. If you say, do this or I'm outta here, it's just making a statement of what you want. If the other person wants to do it or not, is up to them. If I say to so... manganiME

    Hey, I just want to respond because I think you makee some interesting points:3 I think in the legal field, what Sungho did is criminal and what Dohyun did isn't. But Dohyun's existence in Sungho's life is clearly very important. So when he said something like "either give me sex or I'm out of here" I think he is manipulating Sungho. And that, while it is not a criminal act, falls in the being a shitty human being act. What bothers me is that Dohyun seems to live in an environment where these actions are fine for him (maybe no one ever shows him unconditional love like his parents for exmaple). And then Sungho is a kid who has a mom who loves him and that maybe why he is easy to pushed around and getting coerced into situations he doesn't like. So for me, both of these people have stuff in their life that made them who they were in high school. So it seems unfair to put the blame on either one of them. But it is clearly Dohyun who was at fault in high school for manipulating Sungho. But at the present of the story, Sungho is at fault for kidnap and rape. Sorry if this is too much words. I just really want to discuss this.

    manganiME June 29, 2017 3:39 pm
    Hey, I just want to respond because I think you makee some interesting points:3 I think in the legal field, what Sungho did is criminal and what Dohyun did isn't. But Dohyun's existence in Sungho's life is clea... Dorky

    You cannot be manipulated unless you allow it. It's like what con artists say (though conning is illegal): You can't con someone who isn't already ready to be conned. Especially money-promise scams where someone expects to gain $$ out of it. YOu're predisposed to be scammed via greed.

    Sungho was predisposed to be used. He allowed it. Unless we are to believe he was mentally retarded or otherwise developmentally disabled and was the equivalent of a 5 year-old, then he chose to do what he did for a reward. The reward was being with Dohyun. So, he did it to get what he wanted. It was an exchange.

    Manipulation that's REAL manipulation is one where the person is not aware of what was going on (deception, scheming, fraud). Big difference to what Sungho allowed.

    Of course, I think Sungho is mad now. He's crazed (I might be wrong). And it seems he does really nasty work (sounds like he's an enforcer for a loan shark or something). In which case, let's not delude ourselves: he's bad. Dohyun was selfish, but Sungho is evil.

    manganiME June 29, 2017 3:40 pm
    Hey, I just want to respond because I think you makee some interesting points:3 I think in the legal field, what Sungho did is criminal and what Dohyun did isn't. But Dohyun's existence in Sungho's life is clea... Dorky

    And if you want to equate the careless emotional acts of a minor with the calculated criminal acts of an adult, there is not much to discuss. Imagine if someone you were unkind to in high school decided they could burn your house and cut off your legs. Was that okay, then, cause you were mean in high school? No correlation whatsoever, except for someone demented (which Sungho seems to be.)

    manganiME June 29, 2017 3:42 pm
    Hey, I just want to respond because I think you makee some interesting points:3 I think in the legal field, what Sungho did is criminal and what Dohyun did isn't. But Dohyun's existence in Sungho's life is clea... Dorky

    If Dohyun had tied up and chained, isolated, beaten, force fed, raped repeatedly Sungho, then he'd be justified in the idea of "eye for an eye."

    We haven't seen that in their history, have we? This is not eye for an eye. This is gouging out an eye with a spoon in return for a bruise.

    Anonymous June 29, 2017 4:15 pm
    Hey, I just want to respond because I think you makee some interesting points:3 I think in the legal field, what Sungho did is criminal and what Dohyun did isn't. But Dohyun's existence in Sungho's life is clea... Dorky

    Dobyun never outright said give me sex or am out of here,thats what Sengho concluded and presumed,those were his thoughts and he was right.thats probably what Dohyun would have done,but he didnt say it to him,he didnt force him.

    Would Dohyun hung out with Sengho is it was just talking and doing normal stuff,probably not.complying to Dohyun and pleasing him is the only way to keep him around Sengho.Sengho knew that,he knew Dohyun is selfish and a shitty person but still he desperately wanted to keep him around him.

    Anonymous June 29, 2017 4:18 pm
    If Dohyun had tied up and chained, isolated, beaten, force fed, raped repeatedly Sungho, then he'd be justified in the idea of "eye for an eye."We haven't seen that in their history, have we? This is not eye f... manganiME


    Dorky June 30, 2017 5:43 am
    THANK YOU!! Anonymous

    Hey I just thought I'll respond here to both of you. After a bit of rethinking and a lot of typing since I can't think inside my head, I realize that Sungho is more twisted than I previously thought. Even though, I can see Sungho's POV. He was an extreme pushover and passive character, scared of being alone but scared of actively trying to fix his loneliness. With such a personality, he is not the hardest person to get pushed around and manipulated/forced (still don't know about using these words, Dohyun may or may not have the intention of manipulating/forcing him, he may be just trying to be straight forward with Sungho) into doing things he didn't want to do. And then afterward he felt disgusted with himself for doing these types of behaviors which I understand, sometimes I do things for attentions that afterward I am digusted by myself. I am now sure that Sungho is very twisted if he think what he is doing and what Dohyun was doing is "an eye for an eye" type of a deal. I just felt like Sungho must have a lot going on to change him so severely (something happened with his mom, going into the killer proffession). But Dohyun did provide him with an out while what Sungho did was the purest definition of forcing someone. So Dohyun played a part in changing Sungho and was/maybe still is a shitty person, but Sungho needs help. I just can't seem to differentiate a villain and an innocent person between the two of them at this point in the chapter. But nevertheless, I seemed to have been too focused on proving my point that villains usually have backstory that made them who they are now and did not look at the whole picture and see how twisted Sungho is and how psychologically damaging his actions are to Dohyun.
