
Lσωєяƒυυ ♡ June 29, 2017 1:31 am

I really am not sure what to think of Sungho. At this point, my mindset is telling me as much of a revenge he craves, this is just wrong on so many levels. I've always been the type who refuses this whole /eye for an eye/ thing. I just find it silly and while I understand Sungho has every right to get his revenge, getting it this way on Dohyun is just plainly wrong in my opinion. Given the circumstances Sungho was in though, I can barely blame him. He was taken advantage of so much, while all he wanted was probably a simple friendship, while a certain person named Dohyun took this chance and used it for his own entertainment. I seriously don't blame him. I do not agree and will never agree with this type of revenge but I quite understand how it came to all this. A kid who never belonged anywhere and a cocky teenager who sadly took advantage of his naive heart.

    Anonymous June 29, 2017 1:43 am

    This is exactly what I think. I 100% agree with this. This is so perfectly said. Could not have said it better myself (even though I tried in another post) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    yomum June 29, 2017 2:52 am

    Just don't think :))

    Yo June 29, 2017 3:32 am

    I disagree with this, I don't think he should get his revenge by rape and being kidnapped because this could end up as a problem for both of them. if sungho gets caught he would be jailed and for Dohyun he would be mentally and physically scarred. Yes it is still wrong what dohyun did to him but he doesn't deserve to be kidnapped and raped there could be more ways of getting revenge then getting raped it's disgusting. Rape isn't some old good prank it is a serious issue and also it was consexual when they were in highschool. He is a jerk but both situations are far different and he made mistakes like every single human being.

    ToQ-Gogo June 29, 2017 3:38 am

    Yes but we still don't really know what happened in the past. I'm not trying to justify the rape in the story but I am still curious as to what happened that made Sungho go over the edge.

    ... June 29, 2017 4:57 am

    Well, I can't understand how it all came to this; by what I've seen so far, Dohyun dumped/ignored Sungho in the past after using him.
    I could never think that after many years he'd kidnap Dohyun for a 'revenge' of all the things he had gone through, even more when their story in highschool was hella different from what we could see so far.

    Lσωєяƒυυ ♡ June 29, 2017 11:51 am
    I disagree with this, I don't think he should get his revenge by rape and being kidnapped because this could end up as a problem for both of them. if sungho gets caught he would be jailed and for Dohyun he woul... @Yo

    I never said I agree with him raping Dohyun, there's no way I do. I just simply can understand how Sungho's mind clicked and went into the state he is now after what Dohyun did to him.

    manganiME June 29, 2017 1:45 pm

    We need more past info. Right now, he is not right to take revenge. He willingly submitted to what was done in the past, unlike the current rape/kidnapping situation. I assume there is more info coming...but right now, Sungho is totally the villain. Or just crazy.