What’s the romance name of the ML that has black hair, yellow eyes, and c...
Recs (used too many secrets there ignore ong)
Rec pleaseee
Dirty talk but melts at a soft touch
Something like The Pawn's Revenge
I hope he gets shot
Villainess’s stationary store
Ugh lowfi beats to cry to?
how to delete a comment here in manga pls kind hoomans
Hiya, immediately looking for a specific yaoi. The story is cut into 2 parts,one with the main characters and then a story with a friend or bodyguard. Anyways, the 2nd story is abt a guy who has been having s*x with some guy but he believes the guy is married, which is why doesn't want to continue a relationship wih the other guy. (I'll call him guy b) Eventually, the one guy has to survey people for his job, and he finds out that guy b is stil married. Guy b notices that he is being avoided. Eventually, they talk to each other and guy b said that the interview was years, therefore he isn't married anymore but wears the ring to reprl other women. Idk if thi is coherent enough but if someone can help I'll kiss you forever bc I've been looking for this yaoi for a while now.