I too enjoyed seeing Feilong coming into the story as an equal standing on his own and in need of no one. This is the Fei I wanted to see. I don't see Fei doing anything to hurt or hinder Asami bec. of what you have already said. He has no reason to. Any speculations on the common Foe? Some one from the past maybe fallout from Toh. Who could hire a small army to take out one man. I'm hoping for something big. LOL.

I guess now that finder no rakuin is canon. If true, let's remember that Feilong has regular contacts with Akihito and has made love with Yoh. We recall that Mikhail has hindered him by helping Yantzui (but we do not know why, business interests, loving interests?). We also do not underestimate one thing: Tao is the legitimate successor to Baishe. Will something happen?
I am happy that Fei Asami and Aki are allied. Asami and Fei have never really been enemies in their hearts (Fei loved Asami in romantic sense and Asami loved Fei in friendly sense; Asami always did everything to keep him from hurting. Let's remember that Fei kidnapped, imprisoned and raped Akihito, but still alive); Fei and Akihito are not yet close friends but surely their relationship is positive. There was no clarification between Asami and Fei, but if we consider FNR canon, Fei's heart is free now. Akihito's friendship, Tao's good, feelings for Yoh have become more important than Asami. Feilong grew up.

I also add, but it is my opinion that Fei's feelings for Asami were immature: he clung to the only strong figure he saw at that moment (a beautiful man like Asami kissing you, etc.); With Yoh it is not about love, but it was a strong passion in which Fei was adult and conscious, fully protagonist of his emotions.
Yoh and Fei forever!

He wanted warm and be accepted. When he's dead, he says, "I was stupid to be tricked by the warm you gave me." I still do not understand the choice of Asami to remain silent for seven years, though knowing through Yoh feelings of hatred of Fei.
I really do not think Feilong can reproach anything in HL. In FNR there is an important passage: Yoh tells him "you are kind and have a warm heart". Feilong does not understand how Yoh can say this, but it's clear that Yoh feels better than anyone else and loves him just because he knows him. Their story is very romantic, we hope that Sensei will give us satisfaction.

Completely with you on the "This is the Fei that I wanted to see" part, RB! I feel the same way. I wanted to see a strong Fei, one that is not (to put it in Monty Python terms) "pining for the Fjords" (aka Asami). ;) I want him to be an equal to Asami and I always thought how amazing it would be if they actually joined forces (and don't get me wrong, they can still bicker with and growl at each other while they do it *g* ). So this latest chapter makes me very happy.
As for the identity of our mysterious foe: I am really only guessing at the moment. But I wonder how the article about the dead politician that Akihito read comes into play. There is something tucking at back of my brain and I know that I should see the connection, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. But I think this is the polititian that has been mentioned before in the last volume at one point, something about a diet member and trading routes...? But I would have to reread some of the past chapters, it has been too long. But there is a connection there or sensei wouldn't have brought this up now (Akihito reading the article and making the phone call). And Akihito's message to Fei/Asami might very well be about this and shed some light on the identity of the mystery man/mystery organization. So we should learn more in the next chapter I guess.
And in terms of anold foe: I can't think of too many that we actually know of. I mean, Fei's brother is dead as a doornail now. Fei and Asami have a common enemy now. So who does that leave other than the Russians? And who would have the means (monetary and manpower) - as you said - to not only go against Asami but Baishe and to do so with half an army? And who would try and kill Asami in his own home? Questions, questions, questions. And I love it! :)

It very much seems to me that way, yes. The good thing is, it's not necessary to have read the novel at all. If people haven't read the novel, it's not a problem. They can just assume that Fei has finally let go and moved on now. And those that have read the novel can make the connection to the novel, where Fei can actually be SEEN letting go and moving on. But it works either way. :)

You're right :) The most they'd miss will only be the knowledge that Yanshui is now dead, and that Mikhail was the one who backed Yan up before that. But it's not really significant to the manga's progress up till now ^^ I think it's clever of sensei to keep it this way!
Though, I personally still try to find more link between FNR and the manga. For e.g. it's mentioned that Tao's undergoing growth spurt and we can pretty much see it here. He's grown up and at his puberty age now ^^ Not sure if more would be shown to us.. but let's wait for it (⌒▽⌒)

Yes, that's the one, Lady. I remember Asami and Kuroda talking about him. There is certainly a connection here or sensei wouldn't have brought it up. And Akihito deemed it important enough to make that phone call, even though he is still in hiding.
I think I got a little summary. Akihito at the temple saw his newspaper and contacted Mithraism. Feeling went to find Asami interrogating. Asami asks why is he here. Feilong says he didn't bring Akihito and Asami's expression turns serious. Feilong gives his cellphone to Asami and tells him to use it without worry