So we can asume...

kap395 June 28, 2017 12:21 pm

that kidnapper-kun is mimicking all the things that he did to him in their school days... but I still don't get how he went from being a cute kid to being Dohyun's kidnapper. Also, was it that traumatic to him what Dohyun did? It could be considered bullying, it's clear Dohyun was/is an asshole but what could kidnapper-kun gain from this? I think Dohyun might end up traumatized but at the same time, when the 18 times pass, he will brush it off like nothing happer, right?

    preksha June 28, 2017 12:30 pm

    The thing is that the kidnapper never really opposed what dohyun did to him he just went with it when he clearly had some problems regarding it and now him doing the the same stuff to dohyun who was a jerk to him but not someone who actually raped him or something just doesn't make the kidnapper who can be sympathized for at all