I would love to have a wings tattoo on my back that cover my whole back. It makes me want to feel free and be free. Oh and a clover leaf on my wrist as a good luck charm maybe? But nah... I'm still a student.
I was just thinking about it, I like tattoos but I never knew what I would choose because after a while I start disliking the art or idea, or it just seems boring and I don't want to have that feeling about something that's permanent.
I realized that I would probably only tattoo something Harry Potter themed
Word tattoo has many meanings but for me most inportant are "piercing blue" and "open wound". I already have tattoo's and gonna have more ( now - chains around wrist and ankles in the future same chain around neck) for me its way to express my inner "wounds" by bying "pierced".
Sorry english isnt my native language i hope that you understood what i wanted to say ^^
gold ink is pretty cute, if ever got a tattoo it'd be nice to have that. maybe something like this? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d9/5d/98/d95d9816c13a3769ee0887d9f19a6a50--gold-ink-tattoos-glitter-tattoos.jpg
it looks like body paint, i don't think golden ink can be that glittery
Hey Guys, was just wondering that if you could get a tattoo, what would it be like and also what would it represent for you?
I really want a tattoo, for me it will represent freedom and my character but what about you guys?
Also those who have already done one please share your experience(pain or feeling at that moment)