Spoliers for chaps. 6 and 7
(scroll down if you want to read the spoilers)
Chap 6:
Vampire Prince: (hugging the main girl and keeping her steated on his lap, smug) "In this life, you won't be able to escape from my games until you die"
Main Girl: (shuddering, thinking) 'Demons... Demons... Vampires are demons!! Du Xio Shen (she's addressing herself here) you can't fall for his tricks just because he did you a few small favours...'
(She pushes his arms off of her gently and starts to get up, but he grabs her wrist, stopping her from getting away)
Vampire Prince: "You miserable girl... You're still thinking of escaping?"
Main Girl: (afraid, thinking) 'If it's him (a strong vampire), I have no way of beating him' (she turns to him, and says out loud) "I just wanted to explore that path over there and see if I could find us a way out of here"
Vampire Prince: (pulling her back to him) "Stop lying to me. Otherwise I'll let you die here all alone, horribly."
Main Girl: "I'm telling the truth! Since we fell down from that high, we have to find a way back in order to get out!"
Vampire Prince: "Go back? What do you mean, go back to where?"
Main girl: "Don't make me say things you won't like"
Vampire prince: "Hm, same for you... Look around you. Even if these woods don't seem particularly special to the human eye, we vampires can feel the miasma (dark energy) that permeates this forest. Any ordinary person that walks into it will die..." (mocking her new relutance) "Didn't you want to go explore? In that case, I will go with you till the end"
(They start walking through the woods, him taking her by the hand)
Vampire prince: "We've barely started and you're already afraid?" (main girl remains silent) "Oh, I see you're still forcing yourself too much (to seem brave)"
Main girl: (thinking, humiliated) 'The reason why he brought me to this kind of place is probably in order to show me how weak we humans are, so much so that I even need to cling to him in this place, in order to stay alive...' (out loud) "Let go of me"
Vampire prince: "What's that? Weren't you scared?"
Main girl: "I am, but I still don't want you to hold my hand while we're walking."
Vampire prince: "Hm, it seems you dislike vampires more than the average person. Every time we have physical contact, you start shaking. You keep holding yourself back, and I love to see that asahamed expression on your face"
Main girl: (ashamed and angry) "Let go!" (she tries to pushe him away and ends up clumsily falling backwards, sprawled out on the ground.)
Vampire prince: (looking down at her) "You see what state you're in? You've just gotten yourself all dirty now. Really dirty... Get up" (he hold his hand out to her).
Chap. 7
Vampire prince: (looking down at her) "You see what state you're in? You've just gotten yourself all dirty now. Really dirty... Get up" (he hold his hand out to her).
(Slapping his hand away, she runs away, he watches her go with an angry smile on his face)
Vampire prince: (thinking) 'That imprudent little girl...'
(As she runs through the woods, she starts hallucinating due to the forest's dark energy, and hears dark whispers all around her, while dark silhoutettes keep staring at her with menacing red eyes)
Whispering voices: 'Dirty... you're disgusting! ...You're really disgusting!'
Main girl: (afraid, covering her ears) 'No, I'm not!'
(She comes to a stop when she sees another figure take form right in front of her, blocking her path, and gasps when she recognizes it as an image of her younger brother)
Main girl: (flabbergasted) "Xiao Ling?? How...?!"
Xiao Ling: "Big sis, you've really let a vampire to go and dirty you... You're really disgusting!"
(The false Xiao Ling takes a menacing step forward, and an abyss opens bellow the girl's feet, swallowing her whole)
(Main girl screams)
Main girl: "XIAO LIIING!!!!"
(She wakes up on a bed, it was just a dream).
Main girl: 'What... why? Where is this place? ...The window's boarded up?!' (She realizes she's back in the vampire prince's bedroom) ' The last thing I remember is how I escaped from this room yesterday... But after that...'
(She tries the door and sees that it's locked, she starts yelling for the people outside)
Main girl: "What is this?! Let me out!!"
Maid: (from the other side of the door, unmoved) "Miss Du Xiao, that is the room that the young master had prepared especially for you, please calm down and focus only on recuperating"
Main girl: (confused) 'Recuperating...?'
Vampire prince: (annoyed, walking up to the two maids keeping guard on the other side of the door) "What's up? Why is she making a fiss so early in the morning?"
Maids: (bowing) "Master Luo Yi!"
Vampire prince: (solemn) "Open the door"
(The main girl hears his order from the other side and attempts to get out as soon as the door is opened, but the prince drags her with him back inside and throws her back on the bed)
Vampire prince: (angry) "You still want to escape?!" (he leans down over her) "Yesterday you were acting so kind to me when you took the initiative of giving me some of your blood..."
Main girl: (remembering, to herself) 'That's true. I did manage to escape yesterday! I was being chased by some crows, and he was the one who saved me. We walked into the woods together... but after that...' (out loud) "Why...? Why can't I remember any further?"
Vampire prince: "It's because of the miasma (dark energy). If it's a human walking through those woods, first they will suffer hallucinations until they lose consciousness, and then they will die. Who told you to let go of my hand back then? You got your just dessert."
Main girl: (remembering how the prince said she was dirty and how he held out his hand to help her up, back when they were in the woods, she tries to push him off once he grabs her hands and pulls them forcefully over her head,) "No... Don't touch me! ...What are you trying to do?!"
Vampire prince: (leaning closer) "Isn't it obvious? I'm getting my breakfast..."
Main girl: "No, I don't want to! It's dirty... really dirty!!" (she gasps when he bites down on her skin)
Vampire prince: (pulling back in order to wipe the blood off his lips) "...Dirty? Is it me that you're calling that, or is it in fact yourself?"
Main girl: (tired, crying) "I want to go home... Let me go home...!"
Vampire prince: (pulling away and turning his back on her, smirking) "Don't worry, I've already said I won't touch your little brother if you accept being my blood servant, as long as I don't get tired of you." (walking out of the room, to one of the maids) "Keep an eye on her"
Maid: "Yes, young master"
(The door closes behind him, locking the main girl inside once again as she covers eyes with her forearm and cries).
To Be Continued.

(Scroll down for spoiler translation of Chap. 8...)
Chap. 8
((Scene starts in town with the main girl's younger brother, Xiao Ling, opening the front door to their home and leaving.))
((He is seen and greeted by a pair of two older female neighbours carrying baskets, who seem to be two housewives out shopping for groceries))
Older female neighbour 1: (smiling) "Ahhh, Xiaoi Ling! Morning!"
Older female neighbour 2: (smiling) "Up so early today?"
Xiao Ling: (smiling) "Yep! Today is the day my older sister said she was coming home!"
Neighbour: "Oh, yes! I hear your sister is a student at the Capital City Institute... Not bad!"
Xiao Ling: (becoming morose) "Ah... yes. She may be about to arrive, I'd better go now and pick her up."
Neighbour 1: "Be careful on the way!" (once he's left, she starts gossiping to the other neighbour) "That poor kid... so young and already suffering from a serious heart illness! It really is regretful"
Neighbour 2: "Right. If not for that, those good looks of his could've earned him the favors of the richest purebloods" (rich vampires looking for a pretty-looking permanent blood donor in exchange for showering them with economic favors). "....It really is such a waste".
((scene turns to Xiaoi ling on his way to pick up the main girl, his sister))
Xiao Ling: (thinking, troubled) "If it wasn't for my sister's scholarship money also covering all my treatments' expenses, she definitely wouldn't have agreed to enter a school that was so populated with vampires..."
A stranger's voice calls out to him: "Er, excuse me? ...Do you by any chance happen to be Du Xiao Shen's younger brother, Xiao Ling?"
((Xiao Ling turns to the owner of the voice. Turns out it's a girl wearinthe same school uniform as his sister))
Xiao Ling: "You are..."
Girl: "I'm a schoolmate of your sister's. I've come to tell you... something happened to her at school..."
(Xiao Ling's eyes widen)
((Scene change back to the prince's home, where the vampire prince, Luo Yi, is talking to some of his maids about the main girl, Xiao Shen, who is still locked up in her room))
Luo Yi (vampire prince): "...So, that brat's still acting difficult?"
Maid: "Miss Xiao Shen has refused to eat anything for the last two days"
Luo Yi (irritated): "Tsk! ...What a pain!"
(He goes inside her room and starts getting on her case while the main girl, Xiao Shen, refuses to get out from under the bed covers)
Luo Yi: (exasperated) "Hey, you there! Don't even think I'm going to let you go just because you won't eat! Making me angry will not bode well for you in the end... neither for you nor for those you care about!"
Xiao Shen: (refusing to answer) "..."
Luo Yi: (yanking the bed covers off of her) "Let's talk about this!"
Xiao Shen: (still lying on the bed, stubbornly): "I SAID, I want to go home... even if it's just for today!!"
(She knows her brother Xiao Ling thinks she's visiting today and is waiting to pick her up, so he must be getting worried right now, that she didn't turn up)
Luo Yi: (frustrated) "..." (sigh) "Whyis it so important that you go home today? Tell me the truth."
Xiao Shen: "Because..."
(A new voice interrupts them)
Luo Yi's male butler: (entering the room) "Master Luo Yi, Miss Xiao Shen's younger brother is here and he's requested to see you"
Xiao Shen: (shocked) "...Xiao... Xiao Ling's come here?!? ...But how?!"
Luo Yi: (smugly, grabbing her by the arm) "What a coincidence! Didn't you just say you wanted to go home? Shouldn't you be happy now that your family is here, and saved you the trouble?"
Xiao Shen: "N-no... not at all! I don't want... I can't see him like this!" (thinking to herself in dismay) 'Even though I wanted to see Xiao Ling, I didn't want him to find out I've been staying at a vampire's place! He could get disappointed and snub me!'
((Flashback of Xiao Shen's hallucination when she saw an image of her brother , back in the forest, in one of the previous chapters))
False Xiao Ling: (hateful) "Sister... You claim to hate vampires, yet here you're, with one of them... You' really are disgusting!!"
((End flashback))
Xiao Shen: (remembering that and panicking, thinking to herself) 'I definitely can't allow that nightmare to come true!'
Luo Yi: (leaning over her, sensing her dilemma) "You don't want... what? What is it that 'can't' do...? Is it that you can't let your brother see you now, because he'd realize how low you've fallen?"
((Scene change to Luo Yin dragging an unwilling Xiao Shen into the receiving room, followed by his butler))
Luo Yi: (cornering her against a wall, smugly) "So You don't want him to see that, to see how pathetic you've become? ...Alright. Then you can hide behind those curtain and just listen while I talk to him. So you can't say later on that you master was inconsiderate of your feelings..." (turning to the butler) "Bring him in"
(Xiao Shen does as he said and rushes to hide behinds the curtain, covering her mouth in utter shame and nerviousness)
(Another one of Luo Yi's butlers returns with Xiao Ling. At the glimpse of him, Xiao Shen falters in her decision to stay hidden)
Xiao Shen: (thinking to herself, desperate) 'Xiao Ling!!'
(She begins to step out from the curtains in order to go meet him, but is pulled back by the first butler, who covers her mouth toprevent her from making any noise)
Butler: "Miss Du, master said you could only watch him from here"
(In the room, Luo Yi is already talking with Xiao Ling)
Luo Yi: (questioning the boy from his seat) "So you're Du Xiao Shen's little brother?"
Xiao Ling: (standing humbly) "Yes"
Luo Yi: (arms crossed) "What business do you have with me?"
(Xiao Ling closes his fist tightly, giving himself courage. To everyone's surprise, he kneels down in front of Luo Yi)
Xiao Ling: "Lord Luo Yi, I've come to beg you... to spare my sister!"
(Still restrained by the butler, Xiao Shen's eyes widen behind the curtains. Luo Yi's own eyes widen a bit, also)
Luo Yi: (recovering from the surprise and smiling lightly) "I thought you'd also have your sister's bad temper, but it turns out I was mistaken..."
Xiao Ling: (still kneeling, biting his lip and trying to stop himself from shaking) "I'm sorry... If my sister's done anything to earn your ire, I am here to ask for forgiveness in her stead! If you just spare her, I will do anything you ask of me! ...I will!"
(Both Xiao Shen and Luo Yi notice that Xiao Ling's body is trembling and sweating too much, as if he wasn't feeling well)
Xiao Shen: (thinking in worry) 'Xiao Ling!! ...His body won't be able to withstand the stress of being here for much longer!'
Luo Yi: (thinking to himself) 'Seems to be true that there's something wrong with this boy's health' (out loud) "Hey, first of all, just get up from that floor..."
Xiao Ling: (looking sickly, he still insists, murmbling with effort) "If you'd just accept to spare my sister, I..." (he faints)
Luo Yi: (calling out to the fainting boy) "Hey!!"
Xiao Shen: (running to her brother) "Xiao Ling!!!"
Luo Yi: (urgent, to a butler) "Quick! Get the best doctor in the building!"
Butler: "Yes!"
Xiao Shen: (holding her unresponsive brother) "Xiao Liiiing!!!!!!!" (She starts going into shock herself)
Luo Yi: (going to her and shaking her roughly by the shoulders) "Hey, you!! Pull yourself together!" (Xiaoi Shen only stares ahead blankly) "Darn it! Why isn't the doctor here yet?!!"
Butler: (returning quickly with the doctor) "Young master, the doctor's here!"
Luo Yi: (to the doctor, gesturing at the unconscious Xiao Ling) "Quick! Save him!"
(The doctor tends to Xiao Ling)
((Scene change to a room where Xiao Ling is lying on a bed, Xiao Shen and Luo Yi watching as he's being treated by the doctor))
(The doctor injects his arm with a medicine)
Doctor: (to Luo Yi and Xiao Shen) "Fortunately, the first aids we applied were successful. However, this boy's condition requires that he be hospitalized immediately to prevent any further developments"
Luo Yi: "Understood." (turning to a butler) "Go and initiate the arrangements for his hospitalization"
Butler: (bowing) "Yes!"
Luo Yi: (thinking to himself) 'I was only aiming to teach a lesson to this little bitch, to make her to finally understand her situation... I didn't expect things to turn this troublesome...'
(He turns to Xiao Shen, who's standing right beside him, staring down at her unconscious brother)
(Xiao Shen falters and passes out right in front of him. Luo Yi barely manages to catch her before she hits the floor)
Luo Yi: (holding and shaking her unconscious form) "Oi, what's it with you now?!?? ....OIIIII!!!"
((Scene change to Xiao Shen slowly coming to, opening her eyes to find Luo Yi peering down at her. She's back in her assigned room, on her bed))
Luo Yi: "Finally awake?"
Xiao Shen: (muttering) "Xiao Ling..."
Luo Yi: (reassuring) "He's fine, don't worry. I've arranged for him to stay for treatment at one of the best hospitals."
Xiao Shen: (stunned) "...Really?"
Luo Yi: "I never lie"
Xiao Shen: "Then let me go see him"
Luo Yi: "..." (hesitating) "Right now, your body's too weak for that, since you haven't been eating. First eat all of this and then we shall see" (he hands her a bowl filled with soup)
Xiao Shen: (staring down at the soup as if in thought) "..." (she finally pushes it away from her) "I'm not hungry"
Luo Yi: (determined) "Eat! How are you going to see your brother if you don't recuperate your own energy?"
(After a while, Xiao Shen gives in and takes the soup back from him, shaking. She's so weak that she ends up dropping the spoon)
Luo Yi: (rolling his eyes) "Give me that! (he takes the spoon from her, intending to feed her)
Xiao Shen: "..."
Luo Yi: (blowing on a spoonful of soup because it's too hot, he then offers it to her) "Here"
(After a short moment of hesitation, Xiao Shen opens her mouth and accepts the food. Luo Yi smiles to himself in satisfaction as he finishes feeding her)
Xiao Shin: (troubled, thinking to herself) "Not only is he the vampire that I hate the most, but everything that's happened right now has been his fault, for forcing me to stay here like this...' (confused) ' However, inspite of all that... why is it that he keeps acting so gentle with me every time I am in trouble?'
To Be Continued.

(Scroll down for spoiler translation of Chap. 9...)
Chap. 9
((Scene starts with the main girl sitting next to her younger brother's bed in the hospital.))
(Xiao Ling is seated up on the bed with an IV on his arm. The main girl, Xiao Shen, is offering him a bowl of food)
Xiao Shen: "Xiao Ling, do you want to eat?"
Xiao Ling: "Thanks, but no, I'm okay right now..."
Xiao Shen: "But aren't you feeling hungry? Are you sue you're not feeling discomfort in any part of your body?"
Xiao Ling: "No... I'm fine. The doctor said that if I take my medicine I'll be fine. On the contrary, isn't it you, sister... who's had to endure so many difficulties at that school... and I..." (self-deprecatingly) "The only thing I could do to help was to go and beg to a vampire... of all things!!" (looking down) "...Jeez, why do I have to be so useless!?! Why?! When it was a vampire, just like him, that killed our parents!!"
Xiao Shen: (thinking) 'I really have been so naive... I always thought that if I could just handle everything by myself, without getting him involved, then it would be enough and Xiao Ling would not have to deal with any worries at all... But now he's blaming himself, and this all because of my naivety'
Xiao Shen: (out loud, reaching with a hand out to her brother, hugging him) "Xiao Ling, it's not your fault, you've been brave enough. I too was afraid you'd be disappointed at me for being such a useless sister, but now that I've seen you I just feel so relieved." (reassuring) "Nothing else should matter to us as long as we have each other"
Xiao Ling: (hugging her back, smiling affectionaly) "Right..."
Xiao Shen: (thinking) 'I need to be strong for the both of us!'
((Scene shows the vampire prince, Luo Yi, listening in on the two siblings' conversation from behind the half-open door, with his arms crossed))
Xiao Shen: "Now, you really should try eating a bit, even if you're not hungry"
Xiao Ling: "Yes!"
Xiao Shen: "Would you like an apple?"
Xiao Ling: "If you can peel it for me, please..."
Xiao Shen: "Deal!"
((From behind the door, Luo Yi steals a glance at Xiao Shen from the corner of his eyes, and is astonished at the smile he sees on her face while she peels the apple for her weakened brother))
Luo Yi: (thinking, astonished) 'So she was can smile after all...'
((Still astonished, he doesn't realize he's come in full view until the two siblings have already spotted him. Growing pink, he tries to hide his embarrassment by swiftly turning his face the other way, but doesn't walk away))
Xiao Shen: (thinking, bitting her finger, embarrassed) 'How long has he been standing there?'
Luo Yi: (nonchalant) "Hey, it's time. You're coming back with me"
((Scene change to Xiao Shen following Luo Yi out of the hospital))
Luo Yi: "I thought you would put up more a fight"
Xiao Shen: "I've already become aware of just what exact kind of situation I'm in..."
Luo Yi: "I see..."
Xiao Shen: "I will not try to escape again... won't put up any more resistance. But in exchange..." (she looks at him gravely) "... I hope you will no longer keep me locked up like you've done so far"
Luo Yi: (smiling smugly) "Deal... This is finally becoming interesting!
Xiao Shen: (thinking to herself) 'I can't run away now, I need to protect Xiao Ling! Graduation's not that far ahead... Once I manage to graduate, I'll come back for Xiao Ling right away!'
((Scene change to a balcony where Luo Yi, the vampire prince, is talking to his one true friend and trusted servant, the half-vampire Xing))
Luo Yi: "Xing, find out who it was that told Du Xiao Shen's little brother about her situation..."
Xing: "Oh? You're already helping her with her brother's treatment, and you're so good to her... Could our Prince have fallen for that little Cinderella?"
Luo Yi: "Haven't you ever heard, that you need both the carrot and the stick in order to train a pet?"
Xing: "...Is it really just because of that?"
Luo Yi: "Don't get annoying, just keep investigating the situation of thse two siblings for me"
Xing: "Alright, alright, will do.. As it happens, I really don't have anything else to do."
((Scene change to Xiao Shen back at school, walking down a school corridor. The other girls keep staring at her and gossiping to each other))
Girl 1: "I heard the Prince really went and saved that girl from the guys that wanted to rape her that night..."
Girl 2: (sniggering) "Yeah... the Prince even took her away for a few days, but seems he grew tired of her pretty fast!
Girl 1: "Look at her! First she offends the Prince so much she had to be taught a lesson, and then she gets thrown right aside like a dirty piece of trash!"
Girl 2: "Right... I don't get how she dares to walk around with her chin held high, like she was all that... She should be acting ashamed to even look people in the eye!"
Girl 1: "Hey, how about we teach her a lesson?"
Girl 2: "Hehe"
Girl1: (calling out threateningly) "Hey, you there! Du Xiao Shen!"
((Hearing her name being called, Xiao Shen turns around, and the girl immediately takes the chance and slaps her across the face, hard))
((Realizing her schoolmates as just as mean as ever, Xiao Shen just glares at the other girl))
Girl 1: "What are you looking at? Did you forget that you offended the Prince and so we get to punish you like that?"
Xiao Shen: "Don't go too far"
Girl 1: "Too far, you say?! ...I haven't gone far enough!"
((The girl tries to slap her again but Xiao Shen catches her arm))
Xiao Shen: "My patience has a limit, don't make me give you back just as much"
Girl 1: (slaping Xiao Shen's hand away) "You even think that you can?"
((The second girl comes behind Xiao Shen and grabs her in a chokehold))
Xiao Shen: (struggling angrily) "Ugh, what are you two trying to pull?!"
((The first girl pulls out a utility knife, Xiao Shen pales))
Girl 1: (wielding the knife) "Hehehe" (walking over to her, she brings the knife close to Xiao Shen's face) "Since you have such thick skin, shall I give you a lasting memory?"
Xiao Shen: (frozen) "..."
Girl 1: (whispering in her ear) "What kind of shape should I trace?"
Xiao Shen: "...No..."
((Another hand strikes out of nowhere, grabbing hold of the girl's own hand tightly and forcing her away))
((It's a new guy. Squeezing her wrist, forces the girl to drop the knife))
Girl 1: (shocked) "Who??!!"
((The guy pulls her away from Xiao Shen. Oncehe lets go of her, the girl pulls away from him angrily, clutching her wrist.))
Girl 1: (glaring at the new guy) "..."
((Xiao Shen looks at him too, taken by surprise.))
((It turns out to be a good-looking, grey-haired and blue-eyed guy wearing a school badge.))
New guy: "I'm a meber of the disciplinary committee, my name is Sen Nan... and I'd appreciate it if you would stop causing a ruckus during the break period."
To Be Continued.
((Scroll down for rough translations of chaps. 3, 4 and 5))
CHAP. 3.
Main girl: "What!"
Bullies: "You should behave if you do not ...
We will make sure you do not move again"
Main girl: (thinking) 'With them holding me so tight, there's no way I can escape. I must think of a way.' **out loud to the bullies**
"I can give you all of my savings but I need to go to my room to get the money. I swear I will not run away!"
Bully: "Unfortunately, we are not interested in your money."
Main girl: "What do they want from me? Let me go!"
Bully: "We will talk about this money later, when we finish having fun."
**Main girl bites the hand of one of the bullies and manages to run away**
Bully: (in pain) "No! Damn you!"
Main girl: (thinking while running away) 'I absolutely can't fall into their hands!'
Bullies: (chasing her) "You bitch! ...Catch her!"
Main girl: (at the people and students nearby) "Help!" **The students just look on**
**Running across the school campus, she's about to run past a blond girl in a fancy dress holding an umbrella, but the girl smirks to herself and trips her with the umbrella, causing her to fall down a set of stairs**
Main girl: "Ah!"
**She falls and hits her head, opening a nasty wound on her forehead. About to pass out, she thinks stuff to herself**
Main girl: (thinking to herself) 'No... Do not try to ask for help from these people, it’s no use. No matter who, they'll just see your pain as entertainment!'
'As I thought I could not resist him (the vampire prince, Luo Yi), this was bound to happen ... This blind resistance of mine can only strengthen the bite. The truth is, I can't expect any help from the other humans in this school... because they do not want to change the way they behave'
'Sorry, Xiao Ling. I'm sorry for being such a lousy older sister (enough to get myself killed, leaving you all alone)'
((Scene change to the vampire prince on a balcony, talking to some (human?) guy friend))
Friend: "I heard you were called to the Director's office. It's all good, right?"
Prince: "No big deal, do not even mention it"
Friend: "I heard something that happened today to that little girl who made you angry. Do you want to know?"
Prince: "If you want to say it, go ahead."
Friend: "LOL! Okay I will tell you. ...She fell down the stairs, hit her head, and it bled a little. Then she was taken away by some guys who had rape written all over their faces. ...What? You do not want to save that sorry little thing or anything, do you?"
Prince: "No"
Friend: "Really? Even if I say the one behind it is Mei Sha, it doesn't bother you?"
((Scene change to an old abandoned classroom, with the bullies surrounding the unconscious main girl, who's lying on a tattered matress, on the floor))
Bully: "Ms. Mei Sha, what should we do with her now?"
Blond vampire girl: "This is too much to forgive." **grabs the unconscious girl's face** "Let me see your face."
Main girl: (half-conscious) 'A vampire?'
Vampire girl: "I see. You look like cheap meat. No wonder Luo Yi's had enough of you..." **to the bullies** "Okay, she's all yours now."
Bullies: "You mean we can…?"
Vampire girl: (turning to leave) "Play with her all you want."
Bullies: (excited) "Yes!"
**they surround the main girl, who's only half-conscious**
Bully 1: "Well, this girl's body is not bad at all ..."
Bully 2: "Now that you are obedient, you look more beautiful than before."
Bully 3: "Let's get her naked. ...Take it off!"
**they open her school shirt, uncovering her bra**
Main girl: (thinking, in horror** 'Don't! You can't do that! I must ... I must resist ... but ... I'm too weak to even move!'
**The vampire prince makes a spectacular entrance**
Prince: "Stop!"
Vampire girl: (who hadn't left yet, shocked) "Luo!"
Bullies: (shocked) "Master Luo Yi!"
Prince: "Get away from her! Leave!"
Bullies: "But Ms. Mei Sha gave us permission..."
Prince: (angry) "Do not make me say it again!
Get lost!"
Vampire prince: (threatening) "Keep away from her! Don't make me say it again! Get lost!
Bullies: (scared) "Ok, ok! We'll leave!"
**They leave**
Vampire girl: (approaching the prince nervousy) Um, Master Luo Yi...
Vampire prince: (turning to her) "Mei Sha, don't go and make decisions on your own, don't do unnecessary things!"
Vampire girl: (desperate) "But... I thought this was what you wanted??!!"
Prince: (unmoved): "Just get out! Leave!"
Vampire girl: (crestfallen) "...Yes"
**Vampire girl also leaves**
**The vampire prince leans down over the half-naked, half-conscious human girl, caresses her face and licks the wound on her forehead, healing it immediately**
Human girl: (half-conscious) "Eh..?"
**The human girl opens her eyes and sees who it is**
Human girl: (thinking) '...It was *him*??'
Vampire prince: (smug) "Had enough harassment? Are you ready to apologize? If you beg for forgiveness, I'll be lenient and forget anything ever happened..."
**The girl shakes her head, rejecting his offer. The vampire prince stares at her confused and then becomes angry**
Vampire prince: "What do you mean 'no'? It's only an apology! How long do you think you can keep this up?!"
Human girl: "It's my dignity as a human being" (thinking to herself) 'And also my hatred for your kind...'
**The vampire prince first looks shocked, then explodes in laughter**
Vampire prince: (derisive) "Pfff!!! Hahaha! ...Interesting! ...What a complete stupid woman!! What the hell do you mean by human dignity? Even now, you still don't know your own place!"
**Grabbing her arm, he pulls her up to him**
Vampire prince: (lifting her face up to his) "Alright, I've made up my mind. I'll make you my new blood servant"
Human girl: (shocked) "Huh?!?!" **trying to pull away** "No!! I don't want to!"
Vampire prince: (with veiled threat) "Hey, I heard you have a sick brother... is that true? If you don't agree to be my blood servant, I can let *him* be the one to take your place..."
**The girl pales**
Vampire prince: (smug) "What do you say?"
Human girl: (shaking) "I understand... I'll do it"
Vampire prince: (pleased, taking her in his arms) "Good girl" **whsipering in her ear** "Listen. From now on, even every single hair on your head exists only for my sake. ...Got it?"
**He bites her neck to suck her blood, and she screams, fainting in his arms. The prince grins**
((Scene changes to another part of the school with the vampire prince returning to his private quarters, where he is greeted by the maids while carrying the unconscious human girl in his arms.))
**He deposits the unconscious girl on a big chaise-longue in the living room**
Maid: (confused) "Young master, is this...?!?"
Prince: (looking at the group of maids) "Don't concern yourselves with this. Just do what you're told"
Maid: (humble) "Yes"
Prince: (walking away) "Just bathe her and leave her on my bed"
Maids: "Yes, young master"
((Scene change to the prince walking past his older brother, who's sitting and drinking tea on the veranda))
Older brother: "Yi, is it true you brought that girl here with you?"
Prince: (stopping to look at him from the corner of his eye) "It doesn't have anything to do with you"
Older brother: (standing up, nonchalant) "I'm just worried as your older borther. And as the president of this school, it's not the first time I warn you to be more discreet"
**He walks up to the prince**
Older brother: (reprimanding) "You're not a child anymore. Can't you be more prudent? You said you wanted to teach her a lesson, yet the moment you heard she was in danger, you ran to save her. Don't you care about your reputation? How far will this rebelliousness of yours go?"
Prince: (petulant) "I don't have any reason to explain myself to you"
Older brother: "Oh? That girl has really long hair... Did she remind you of your former blood servant, Fu Lei?" (the one from the prince's childhood)
Prince: (stung) Enough! Stop brining up that name in front of me!" **He leaves in anger**
((Scene change by the prince being greeted by two mainds at the door to his own bedchamber))
Maid: (bowing) "Young master, we've done as you asked. The girl is on the bed"
**They open the doors for him, just for the three of them to see the bedroom totally empty. The girl has escaped. Approaching an open window, the prince notices a bed-sheet rope.**
Prince: (thinking) 'That woman... 'I've really underestimated her!' **he smiles to himself**
Chap. 5
((sCENE change to human girl running through the woods after she climbed down a window in order to escape from the vampire prince's bedroom))
Main girl: (running in desperation) "Where's the way out?! ...How do I get out of these woods?!"
**She starts to get chased by some red-eyed crows**
Main girl: (bewildered) "Why are these crows chasing me?!"
((Scene change to some guy with his back to the audience (the prince?) standing alone in another part of the woods, hearing the sound of the crows))
Prince: (thinking) 'Those crows are...?'
((Scene change back to the girl))
Main girl: (yelling at the crows) "Get away from me!!"
**In her effort to keep them away, she slips from the edge of a cliff but someone grabs her by the hand, it's the prince**
Main girl: (thinking) 'Luo Yi??!! He... How's it possile??!'
Prince: "You really are a bothersome woman"
**The tree root he was holding onto breaks and the two fall down the cliff The girl screams**
Main girl: (thinking) Falling from that high, we'll surely...!'
**mid-fall, the prince grabs her and turns them over in mid-air and in the end he's the one to take the brunt of the fall, her landing on top of him**
Prince: (on the ground, at the bottom of the cliff, with her on top of him) "Get off! You idiot woman!"
**she notices blood on her hand, from how he's bleeding profusely**
Main girl: (looking at his blood on her hand, thinking) 'So vampires can also bleed...'
Prince: (getting up, thinking to himself) 'Damn it! This much blood loss is going to affect my self-healing!' **out loud to the girl** "Go away!"
Main girl: "WHy did you save me?"
Prince: "Leave! In my current state, I can't guarantee I won't attack you and end up taking all of your blood! ...Unless you want to die, go somewhere else and find some place to hide!"
Main girl: "WHy did you save me..."
Prince: "Huh??"
Main girl: "Never mind" **uncovering her shoulder** "Go on, take it. If I find I can't bear it, I'll try to push you away..." (to herself) 'I'd rather die than own a demon any favors!'
Prince: "Eh, I really don't get you... A while ago you wanted to escape, and now you don't want to leave even if you die." **grabs her and pushes her onto the ground** "Are you that desperate for me to bite you?! Was your disgusted attitude from before all just an act??"
Main girl: "Hey! Watch out for your wound!"
Prince: "I don't need your fake shows of concern! They're nothing but lies!" **getting suggestive and lewd** "...It's better to hurry up, right?" **Touching her all over** "Is it here?
...Or rather here? ...Pick the part of your body where you want me to pleasure you..."
Main girl (thinking): '...Why is this happening? I only wanted to escape from this guy so I could go back to my brother... But now, what am I doing?' **out loud to the prince** "If it's only my blood that you want, why are you also doing this??"
Prince: "A toy like you should be physically compatible with her owner, in order to please him"
Main girl: "I'm not a toy!"
Prince: (pressing his face against her thigh) "Is this a warm welcome? You really are some lusty bitch!"
Main girl (thinking): 'I made a mistake... I shouldn't have tried to be understanding just because he showed a bit of weakness... I'm sorry, little brother... Just wait a bit more, your sister will soon go to pick you up'
((Scene changes to some time later. The prince and the girl are still at the bottom of the cliff, him hugging her and keeping her seated on his lap))
Main girl: "Why? Why did you not take my blood in the end?" (to herself) 'And not only that. He also used his power to heal all my wounds'
Prince: "This guy will do what he wants. Besides you must feel pretty humiliated for owning me another favour"
Main girl: (angry) "Let go of me! Let me up!"
Prince: "No way. Stay still. I don't want to waste any energy in chasing after you"
Main girl: (angry) "Is it so much fun to tease someone?"
Prince: "Lots of fun."
Main girl: "Let go!"
Prince: "What's going to change even if I do that? For the rest of your life, you won't get free from my games until death..."
Main girl (shaking, thinking): 'Why did it have to be me? What does he want from me?'
((Scene change to some guy in a cloak, with his face hidden under a hood, watching the two of them. He may or may not be the prince's older brother, but he looks just like the vampire that killed the main girl's parents when she was a child))
Hooded guy: (amused) "Oh... this time, it looks like this toy will be more fun to play with." **turns to leave** "It really makes me curious..."
To Be Continued.