if only i knew...

Teeheez June 24, 2017 5:43 am

although my first language is chinese, i never really actively tried to keep it in my head. so, now i regret not sticking with it like my parents tried to tell me to, because there are so many manga/manhua that i could be reading right now if i remembered chinese... if only i knew before that i would be so addicted ):

    Aila June 24, 2017 7:16 am

    Any chance of visiting family in China to re-learn your language properly? It's such a great opportunity to be bilingual, not just for manga and manhua, don't squander it. And I speak from experience! :)

    Cait von Mandarine June 24, 2017 10:21 am
    Any chance of visiting family in China to re-learn your language properly? It's such a great opportunity to be bilingual, not just for manga and manhua, don't squander it. And I speak from experience! :) Aila

    I second this! Being fluent in more than a language gives you so many opportunities!

    Teeheez June 24, 2017 5:10 pm

    Actually, every summer my parents always ask if me and my brother would like to go visit, but each time, we declined. Although I slightly want to go, it's kind of intimidating to because it'll be difficult and kind of awkward for me to communicate with my family there, especially since I haven't seen them face-to-face for so many years...

    I'm actually going to take Beginning Mandarin (because although I can listen and understand, I have forgotten how to read and write) at my school next year, so it's a start!

    Aila June 25, 2017 1:48 am
    Actually, every summer my parents always ask if me and my brother would like to go visit, but each time, we declined. Although I slightly want to go, it's kind of intimidating to because it'll be difficult and ... Teeheez

    Listen, I know exactly how you feel. But if you go with an open mind and willing to learn, they'll much more likely be excited and elated that you want to keep part of your heritage. Learn as much Mandarin as you can in your class, and spend the summer with your family while taking language classes there too. You'd be surprised how rapidly you can adapt- it's the wonders of immersion. Especially because you've already gotten a foundation.

    Cait von Mandarine June 25, 2017 3:58 pm
    Actually, every summer my parents always ask if me and my brother would like to go visit, but each time, we declined. Although I slightly want to go, it's kind of intimidating to because it'll be difficult and ... Teeheez

    If you can listen and understand then you didn't lose the language, just the confidence to speak it! The words are all in your brain, you just need to bring them out~ good luck with your classes ^^