Wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf omfg guys!! That was one heart thumping chapter! And the mark on ...

Dazaii_san June 23, 2017 2:21 pm

Wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf omfg guys!! That was one heart thumping chapter! And the mark on kyon's neck changed! So that's what I've been seeing in ig! The zero did that right? Changing the mark on kyon? So maybe that's why he slash lucaon?? Or was he just suprised? Idk! Need the next chapter ASAP!

Also I'm really worried about Karis I feel like some thing bad will happen to him.

    Dazaii_san June 23, 2017 2:23 pm

    NO SPOILERS but let me know what you think.

    Anonymous June 23, 2017 3:22 pm

    You should read comments wayy back...there are loads of discussion about the Intron mark. Some think the mark did not change because in ch34 there is still the Selvior (dunno what Lucaon's last name was) collar left. Perghapshaps it was a flashback and the zero who made the flashback was also working under Kyon's previous master who erased his memory... anyway, read comments fromsellest previous pages, you might get morethe info there.

    Anonymous June 23, 2017 9:44 pm

    Yeah you might be right. I thought that was just the mark fading in as if it was taking its former position over the Selvior mark. But if that's the case then why did Kyon attack Lucaon. Is surprise really enough to explain it? I mean his eyes looked glazed. So MAYBE what happened is that arm heading for him triggered the memory, like the papers flying around that seemed to have blood on them that started this whole shit, which knocked him back under the control of his former masters and activated the former mark?

    Anonymous June 24, 2017 9:24 pm
    Yeah you might be right. I thought that was just the mark fading in as if it was taking its former position over the Selvior mark. But if that's the case then why did Kyon attack Lucaon. Is surprise really enou... @Anonymous

    I think he was scared and wasn't thinking clearly. I mean he had just fallen down the stairs and in shock he was able to kill a zero. He had flashbacks and mistook Lucaon for a zero because of Lucaon's eye.

    Anonymous June 25, 2017 9:40 am
    I think he was scared and wasn't thinking clearly. I mean he had just fallen down the stairs and in shock he was able to kill a zero. He had flashbacks and mistook Lucaon for a zero because of Lucaon's eye. @Anonymous

    He didn't look scared to me when he slashed Lucaon...?

    Anonymous June 25, 2017 9:45 am
    I think he was scared and wasn't thinking clearly. I mean he had just fallen down the stairs and in shock he was able to kill a zero. He had flashbacks and mistook Lucaon for a zero because of Lucaon's eye. @Anonymous

    Which is why I mentioned that it may have been surprise (at most) but given that a look of surprise would not account for the fear, as you noted, he should have still been feeling from earlier that doesn't make sense either.